Wednesday, September 25, 2013


1. What's one thing that's still the same about you as when you were young?

My Mickey Mouse T-Shirt I got in my Easter Basket when I was 8 years old...

(I blogged about this shirt not too long ago... yep, still have it & still sleep in it...)

2. What's more important-history or science?  Why?

Having our girl holding an important job as a scientist, I think I know which direction I have to go here.... even though I cry at the thought of all the mice she has had to kill... tear...

But Science definitely has made an impact for the future.

We learn from history of the past... but let's improve the future.... SCIENCE!

& I'm not saying this because Bill Nye is on Dancing with the Stars

Bill Nye science
This is actually Bill Nye's best dance move....

3. Lima, kidney, string, garbanzo, black, or pinto-your favorite bean?

Since I've turned vegetarian, I'm all about the beans.  Black Bean burgers - yum!  Roasted Garbanzo beans - Yes!  Pinto Beans in burritos - MMMM!  Lima beans - add the cheese please!

4. What's something people come to your town to do?

Visit my parents...

Honestly, there is nothing in our town.  We don't even have a stop light in our town.  Most exciting thing that's happened lately is my parents moving to our same town, so family has been visiting them to see their new home.  Its the most action I've experienced in Greenville in awhile for me.

barney bored
This is what is said most of the time in our little town

5. When was the last time you were in a meeting? Sum it up for us in five words or less.

We have a youth leader meeting every other Sunday at church. 

Sum up? .... Everyone ready? Then let's go!

Then we usually end up with an awesome move like this...
except I'd trip & fall on my face...

 6. What special event would you like a VIP pass to attend?

The Disney World Princess Half Marathon ... I want VIP status so I could meet all the cool runners there, get the front line passes for pictures with the characters on the route - Just want to be there...

Change that... I want a VIP pass to BE Belle in the Disney Princess Half marathon :)

How many of you thought my instant answer would involve Steven Curtis Chapman? :)

7. What's one piece of advice you'd give a writer?

Just write like you'd talk... that doesn't mean every sentence needs words that are at least 7 letters long & I need to have a dictionary near me at all times

Sadly, I've read many books where I've given this look
Simple English please

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I saw this this morning & have watched it 10 times... & have laughed till I literally had to wipe my mascara from my cheeks... I love the family doesn't think anything of it.  It's like they think, "Its just dad"


  1. The first Christian CD I owned is Steven Curtis Chapman's! I won it at a Christian conference. It still is one of my favorites.

  2. I have brown eyes too. Can't say the same about my hair though.

  3. Loved the answers. I like garbanzos only as hummus. I don't like the texture of them just straight.

  4. Ok...truth be told..BatDad ROCKS! Love him so much! I do believe he deserves "Father of the Year"! :) Oh...I could definitely believe how thrilled you'd be to be part of the Disney Marathon. Best of both worlds, right?

  5. Oh Bill Nye, he was the coolest in middle school! When we had a sub in science class we always got to watch Bill Nye. And I'm not sure, but I think running in that Bell dress would be hard! Maybe you should be Jasmine or Pocahontas if you are going to be running ;)

  6. what a fun hodgepodge ... love all your illustrations/graphics! :)

  7. That video!!! I've watched it twice and almost burned our lunch, oops! Ha ha! I hope you get to run in that Marathon. How neat!

  8. Your clips crack me up!
    you know, I think you could pass for Belle. I think you could go down there, take her out, and no one would ever know!

  9. Maybe if you link to Belle enough, Disney will 'discover' you and make 'your dreams come true' : )

    Bat Dad is awesome!

  10. Our daughter still has a t-shirt from when she was young. I eat a lot of beans too and I really love them! That video is really funny.


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