Friday, May 16, 2014

Five on Friday

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I'm joining in some other blog hops today
... switching it up...
its good to keep things fresh. 

{1} Stupid Weather

We were in the 90's at the beginning of the week.  I was sweating like a pig in the leather seats in my car.  & then last night, I was wrapped up in my down comforter shivering because I refuse to turn the heat back on.  And its supposed to drop in the 30's tonight.  What is happening around here?

Yes, this weather makes me sing "Hot N Cold" By Katy Perry

{2} She Reads Truth

How did I not know about the website She Reads Truth?

I love that they have a reading plan for the Bible or study they are doing & they give a little devotional along with it.
So quick & easy & something that keeps you on track.
I just started with it this time around on the book of Nehemiah

The things you find on the internet that make life better

{3} Sydney Update

Our girl has made it over the 3 month mark... that's how long the vet told us we had with her after her diagnosis of bone cancer.  Stupid vet doesn't have control over my dog's life... only God does...

Shut Up
How we are with the vet

I will say, someone got in touch with us about a natural medicine that they said helps animals. Its full of natural ingredients such as turmeric & green tea & things you would find in Eastern Medicine. I'm a big 'naturalist' but wasn't sure how this would work on cancer.  On a good healthy dog?  Sure...
But we were willing to try it after looking up some info on it.
Ends up - it was a mistake stopping her meds & trying this. 

What we think happened - when we gave it too her, she felt FANTASTIC. She was running, trying to JUMP on the bed, she was like 5 years younger.... but we think she ended up hurting herself doing all that activity again.  So she's limping again... & looking sad about it.  So we have put her back on her medicine she was on before.  We're also going to incorporate this pill since it did give her some pep in her step.  Just a little TOO much pep.

So please... continue praying for our girl. She's 6 months away from being 14 yrs old.  Ricky so badly wants to see her make it to 14 years old.

{4} More Finale's

So I won't give away any spoilers.  I had some people panic when I brought up Revenge's finale from Sunday.

We're a country full of "Don't tell me yet - no spoilers - I haven't watched it yet!"
Speaking of which, don't tell me what happens on House of Cards

But I have to say, was I the only one who was totally disappointed in Grey's Anatomy finale?  They made it sound like this BIG EVENT was going to happen... & then, really... nothing...
The ending could have been the end of any episode.  & that new doctor & who she is?  Me thinks someone jumped the shark.

Big thumbs up for The Vampire Diaries finale (Yes, I'm a 16 yr old girl inside) & for Nashville.  (I love you Deacon... & all your rehab ways)


OK... maybe a little spoiler
... but SWOON...

{5} Maya Rudolph


I love funny ladies.  Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Kristin Wig ... Maya Rudolph is another one of those talented ladies that is just plain funny. I've seen her making the talk show circuit lately promoting her variety show she's doing. I can't wait to see it.  Not sure how well its going to go over.  Didn't Jessica Simpson & Nick Lache do a variety show one time?  .... yeah....

But this woman is funny!  & a mom of 4 too. Can you imagine having a mom with such a quick wit?  It's gotta be awesome.... or maybe a tad embarrassing. Could go both ways.

Hope you have a Fantastic Friday!!!


  1. Oh, Syd! Hang in there, girl!

    I'm sorry you were disappointed with Grey's....I loved it!! I was sort of hoping Murphy would go nutzo, but that didn't happen. But I also haven't been watching this show from the beginning. I did a netflix binge watch 2 summers ago, so for me, it still feels "new".

  2. So happy Sydney is still doing so well! What a sweet dog! I just started with She Reads Truth this series too! I had heard people talk about it, but never really looked into it and I wish I would have sooner! I hope you have a good weekend!

  3. Our vet told us our cat had one year after he was diagnosed with cancer. He lived for almost two. I always said the same thing, the vet doesn't get to decide how long he lives. In the end he just got tired and passed the day before we were scheduled to put him down. Just enjoy all the time you have and love her up every chance you get. I'm sorry you guys are dealing with this. Praying for you! ♥

  4. Still praying for Sydney.

    Think I'll go check out that website. Thanks for the info.

  5. I'll be praying for your sweet doggy. Isn't this weather totally crazy?! I actually did turn on the heat for a few minutes this morning. I was shivering!

  6. Okay I seriously think you and I should be friends. For several reasons. First of all, we are having the same stupid weather stuff in Arkansas. Last week, we were setting records for high temperatures, and this week we set a record for low temps. So dumb.

    Also- the obsession that I have with Nashville is real. My one complaint about the finale is the lack of closure I felt about Juliette and Avery- I mean, I have no idea what's going to happen with them.

    Anyways, I'm glad I found your blog! Have a fabulous weekend! :)

  7. Still praying for your precious Sydney, I just want to love on her. I am really loving She Reads Truth, so glad we started it! And oh my gosh, I watched the Nashville finale. I can't get enough of that show and can't wait for season 3 already. Team Deacon!

  8. So sad to hear about Sydney! I can't handle even thinking about losing one of my babies. Praying for her and you and Ricky. And I was kind of disappointed with the Grey's finale too. I cried like a baby but that isn't much different than any other episode. And the new that story line not getting old??? So glad you found #shereadstruth because they're the best! Happy weekend!

  9. Oh stars - you're going to have to private message me and fill me in on the Revenge finale!! We missed like 6 shows and I'm totally lost. I just want the bottom line. Hubs had a fantastic idea for a foodie show that takes place in Nashville - and call it Noshville. Brilliant! No?

    LOVE me some Maya Rudolph. That girl can make a person spit milk out their nose. I'll be tuning in to her variety show, for shore!

    Sydney, sweet eternal pup, I pray the meds AND the new natural regime bring her many more comfortable months with you guys. <3

    Stupid weather, indeed! My hair doesn't know WTH is up!


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