Thursday, May 01, 2014


Thankful Thursday
You can click this now & join up with these awesome ladies
If the only prayer you said in your whole life was "Thank you", that would suffice. ~Meister Eckhart

04.24.14 Dogwood blooming

I always love when our dogwood blooms.
So beautiful & reminds me of the story of Jesus.
Never heard of it before?  Check it out right HERE  

04.25.14 Story Time

I love this picture... me finishing my book with 3 of my fur babies with me
... waiting... patiently for me to finish...
"Dorothy Must Die"... such an awesome book!
Its my new Hunger Games... dying for the next book to come out in the series.

04.26.14 A "Super" Baby session

I was so glad that my little crafty project came together & made for the cutest picture.
Also glad this baby was cool about dressing him up as a tiny superhero.
I loved his dad said, "You could leave that on him all day & I'd be totally happy about that" :)
04.27.14 Old School Games

We took the Youth Gang outside for the day & it was so beautiful.
So what game do we play?  Chasity came up with the idea of "Red Rover"
... & then we found it funny that most of the kids didn't even know how to play...
I thought it was good to show the kids how to play such an old game
... that is until we saw kids grabbing their arms in pain & saw one guy get cloths-lined right on his neck... OUCH!!!
OK.. maybe old school games are old for a reason? :)

Maybe I'll change that to being thankful for Youth kiddos who are up for anything

04.28.14 Safe Storms

With all the horrible news stories about the tornados in Arkansas & the Midwest, I was thankful when we had our storms - that were loud & scary - but they were tornado free & no damage & no devastation in our area.
When you think about how bad things COULD be & how much people are going through... it makes you thankful.

04.29.14 Hidden Goodies

I was going to stop on the way home for allergy medicine & totally forgot
(Hello fuzzy brain thanks to stopped up head due to allergies)
I pulled out my chair, rooted in my medicine cabinet & found these!
YES!  It was like I hit the lottery.
I may have actually hugged this box.

04.30.14 Sweat Queen

I am sticking to my T25 program & am on Day 9
(I never knew you could sweat so much in 25 minutes)
But I had joined in with Jost Running for April... & here we were on April 30th
& I still hadn't done my 5k.
I refuse to have a medal I don't earn... so I ended up doing 2 work outs.
The T25 AND a 5K
I felt like I could take on the world by the end of the night.
... I told Ricky, I know I'm still a 'fluffy gal' but no one can say I don't try...

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. I laughed about Red Rover. We played that all the time as kids at school!! but the image of the kid getting clothes=lined was funny in my head!

    Ok, now you have my interest piqued on this book. I am looking for a new one right now.

    Have you ever tried essential oils for your allergies?

  2. Doggie snuggles are the best! I just need to add a good book to the mix! My allergies are killing me too. I swear they are worse than ever this year. Feel better!

  3. Ahh Red Rover! So fun but so dangerous-- or maybe just for me? Someone always ended up breaking an arm or wrist or something! LOVE that picture with your book & your dogs! I'm with you on the weather-- we had an insane amount of rain this week with a little flooding, but I felt bad complaining with how much worse the weather had been other places.

  4. Allergies are awful this year, my husband has been pretty sick this week. I LOVE that picture of you and the puppies, nothing better <3

  5. The superhero baby is probably the cutest thing I've ever seen! Your dogs are just like mine (except twice as big) but if I'm on the couch they are all over and I love it! I'm gonna have to check out that book because I loved the Hunger Games!

  6. Hahahhahaha... I felt the same way when I found some Allegra in my purse one day!

  7. Red Rover..I remember that game! I still love that Super Baby photo...just too darn sweet! Do you have a fav. T25 workout yet? I love the Ab workout...the Lower Focus kills my legs! Talk about a BURN!

  8. Gah Red Rover! Brought back memories!
    Congrats on day 9 of the T25 program, rock it out girl!!

  9. I am in love with all those dogs! I am a sucker for dogs. Also that baby superhero...How adorable! Honestly I could talk about every one of your pictures!

  10. I love that picture with you and all the dogs! And ugh, allergies are killing me right now too. I was hoping all this rain all week would wash a lot of it away but no luck!


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