Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Wednesday... a stormy one around her today
so for a little sunshine in my day, I'm going to do some Hodgepodging

1. It's still May, right? When were you last in the middle of something that might be described as mayhem?

Mother's Day weekend when my house was full of 2 grand sons running around, 4 dogs barking & 1 baby crying...

That could be considered mayhem - right?

But is it mayhem if you kinda smile at it all?

I do love these Mayhem commercials too

2. When did you last feel dismayed?

I actually looked up the definition of dismayed... a feeling of hopelessness, disappointment or discouragement...

I would say I last felt dismayed reading the definition of dismayed...

geez... depressing...

3. What's a food combination you like, but other people may find strange?

I'm not a strange food combination person.  I may have to avoid reading everyone else's answers.  Food stuff gags me very easily.  Keep things normal & sane people.


& you think I'm bad?  My husband gags when I put ketchup on eggs, or peanut butter on bananas - which I think most people do. 

We are a family of sensitive food issues.

4. "It is never too late to be what you might have been." Do you think that's true? Why or why not?

Depends... you can't be 80 years old & decide to have a baby...

but you can rethink life & make some changes...

5. US News and World Report listed the best historic destinations in the US as follows-Washington DC, Philadelphia PA, Williamsburg VA, Charleston SC, Boston MA, Richmond VA, Savannah GA, Santa Fe NM, Yellowstone, San Antonio TX, San Francisco CA, New Orleans LA, and Charlottesville VA. 
Of those listed how many have you seen in person? Which two sites on the list would you most like to see in person?

#1 would most definitely be BOSTON!!!! On Patriots Day specifically! Even if I never ran it, I would love to be a cheerleader on the sidelines. I'm reading a book on the day the bomb went off in the 2013 Boston Marathon & throughout, the runners talk about the energy of the people on the side, how they cheer until the last runner comes through. I want to do that!

#2 would be Washington DC - Why?  Because they have the Nike Women's Half Marathon & the medal?  A necklace from Tiffany's!!! I have blog buddies who ran it this year & I drooled with jealousy over it!

They even come in the blue Tiffany boxes with the white ribbon
.... me want....

6. May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. If you had to participate in a single fitness activity for the next half hour, which activity would you choose?

I know most of you would think I would say running... You'd be WRONG!

Actually right now, I'm in week 4 of T25 - so with all the stretching at the end, it comes out to about a half hour.

& good Lord, sweet Jesus - it makes me sweat like no other work out ever has in my life.  It's great.  I choose that one. I'm determined to make it to the end of 60 days.  May even buy the Gamma part & go the full 90 days! 

I'm still waiting for this huge weight loss & muscle definition that they show on TV though....

7. What did you like best about the city, town, or neighborhood where you grew up?

It had air?

I think when you're a kid, you don't care about anything except that your street had kids on it to play with....

Then as a teenager, people to hang out with.

I don't think anything else matters

My street was good for kick ball games
... that's what I'll go with...

8. Insert your own random thought here.
Anyone else caught up in Finale week?
The Originals was last night... amazingly excellent!
Revenge?  Didn't see that coming!
Excuse me while I go cry again
& tonight?  Nashville!  & tomorrow?  Grey's Anatomy!!!
Next week - Dancing with the Stars!  (I don't know WHO I want to win!)
Its the most wonderful time of the year!!!
Next to Premiers of the next season! :)
What finale have you loved?  Looking forward to?


  1. On DWTS, I have to pull for Candace. She may not be THE BEST dancer out there, but she is such a doll and full of love and faith. How can you go wrong with that? So thrilled for you that you've been stickiing it out with T25! It really is a committment, isn't it? You can't quit because Shaun T would never let you live it down! YOU GO, GIRL!

  2. Revenge was awesome. Emily hit Victoria right where it hurts most...her sanity.

    I watched Person of Interest last night and was a little disappointed.

    Otherwise I don't watch series shows so no other finales for me.

  3. I am looking forward to Grey's Anatomy. I love that show and I predict (as I did last week) that Murphy will go a little cray-cray and take out Shane in her stunt. (his contract wasn't renewed, so you know that SOMETHING has to happen--death or otherwise).

  4. I'm excited for Nashville! Hmmm weird food combos... I'm pretty picky so I'd say my weirdest thing is Lays chips with or even on a pb&j. People think I'm nuts for liking ketchup on my sausage, I think syrup on sausage is odd haha.

  5. These are such fun questions! I never made it through the entire T25 workout and I don't even have an excuse! I did like it, I just get so bored with exercise routines-- I might try and start it again!

  6. My food combo that grosses people out is BBQ chips in chocolate ice cream. I'm a big salty/sweet combo lover so that is like heaven for me. But apparently it's icky. Did you gag? ;-)

  7. I agree with April, I'd like to see Candace win DWTS. I really don't watch the others. But now I have to catch up on Once Upon a Time. I found out Frozen is going to be on it next season. So Kelli and I are planning a marathon of the last 2 seasons. haha

  8. I can't wait for Nashville tonight!! I'm excited for all of these finales but it also makes me sad that my shows won't be back for a few months!

  9. I said 75 and being an astronaut!!!
    That medal is beautiful. I am always so excited for the Fall season and then I get excited for the finales so I can have some free time :) Yes I am caught up in it for sure!!!

  10. Love those Mayhem commercials! I'd pick savannah & charleston to visit. I think I would do that race just for the necklace, too! Yes please!

  11. Arggh no!! TV spoilers!!! I'm a Brit, so we're always a few months behind on the American tv shows.

    On the food thing - you reminded me of how me and my 2 younger siblings all had issues with 'wet' food being on the same plate as 'dry' food. So if you had spaghetti hoops and potato waffles they had to be on separate plates so the tomatoey sauce didn't make the potato waffles soggy! We've managed to get over that now...I'm only weird about coleslaw now (still can't stand the sight of it, and if it's on my plate, I have been known to have a minor freak out)

  12. Whoa... Ricky doesn't like peanut butter on bananas?!?! Blasphemy!!!!

  13. la la la skipping over the Revenge stuff not caught up yet. Um I've heard amazing things about the T25 you need to keep me updated!


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