What a weekend...
& it was a typical weekend
... the hectic schedule I had ... as usual...
... a fun run I got to do... which lived up to its name
... friendships I got to enjoy.... which I so enjoyed completely
... a bridal shower I got to go to. .. which held so much celebration
... watching the Tony Awards... which makes me love Broadway even more every time
... knee pain & vertigo I had to deal with ... which had me spinning
... heat & humidity that has kicked in... which had my face feel like it was melting off
... sitting aside helplessly & watch my husband in pain with his hernia... which I watched all weekend long with sadness
... but this weekend held something else. We were all reminded, once again, how messed up our world is right now.
I woke up Sunday morning to see the world news broken in the regular schedule talking about a shooting.
Another stupid shooting.
The words 'terrorism" being used. "Hate crime" being used.
"Stupid" "Ignorant" "Pathetic" - those are the words I'd used.
"Heart breaking" "Sad" "useless" "senseless" ... so many words come to my mind really.
Something like that takes the winds out of a sail for anyone's weekend, I think.
It makes you stop & realize how a day is not promised.
How there is evil in this world.
A reminder to enjoy every day - enjoy life, love, family, friends.
As much as my weekend was full of so much of all those things mentioned, something about the weekend stood out to me more yesterday above all.
We were at church Sunday ... & mercy, I love our church. At the end of the service though, they decide to close it differently & they called up the leaders & ministers & elders of the church & had them stand with their spouses at the front & it was just a call for prayer. Anything anyone wanted to pray for, just come up & go to one of those people & just pray.
... about family, finances, about health issues, about life, hardships, decisions... whatever you felt like you need prayer for.
The first thing I thought of was my sweet precious blog friend Caroline who just spoke about being at a women's conference & said when they offered prayer, she went down because she never passes up the opportunity to have prayers lifted for her journey in infertility. I loved that thought. Why would anyone pass up that chance to have someone pray for them? To have others lift up your name to God's ears?
& the music started Sunday in our church & the people did indeed start coming down & praying with our church leaders.
We sit in the front row of church - mainly because I like my leg room & get really claustrophobic in those tiny aisles - but it was a front row seat to see arms around each other & to see people coming up just surrendering their concerns before the Lord with others.
It's a beautiful thing to watch & see... .all the while we were singing worship to our Savior.
& we made it through the first song & headed into only the 2nd song & the crowds slowed down.

I even asked Ricky if he wanted to go up & ask for prayer about his upcoming surgery & he said he was praying where he was at, he was good.
& I of course could have gone up myself, because who DOESN'T have something they pray about every day? ...but I too stood my ground.
They left it open for anyone to come over a period of time while dismissing the crowds & I looked over at my friend & said, "You know, really, every single person in this room should have been down here praying"... but we don't. We stay in our seats. We don't want to be embarrassed to go before others. We don't want someone to think we may have a problem or issues, or even worse- someone may think we don't have it all together.
& believe me, I get it. God hears every prayer, whether said in the same spot, or prayed alone. I totally understand that. Again, I'm standing in the front row & still didn't take literally one step forward & pray with others myself.
But on this Sunday, it made me sad really.
Especially on a day when I left home & saw there was 20 people who had died in a shooting in our country... & later came home to see that number went up to the 50 with over 50 injured.
Especially in a time where men can perform the sickening act of rape & get a sentence that is laughable.
Especially in a country where people are dying because health insurance is useless & people have to struggle to pay for a policy that covers nothing making people just skip treatment.
Especially in a world where children are begging for a home & living in orphanages but governments put up so much red tape to adopt these babies to a loving family.
Now is not the time in our world to sit in our seats & be ashamed.
Why were we NOT all down praying for our country - for the people who were just killed - for the person who felt like he needed to do this shooting - for the medical team working at that very moment on the people who were shot - for the families of the victims - for ALL THE RIDICULOUS THINGS HAPPENING IN OUR WORLD?
& while I say "now is not the time"...I totally mean for the Orlando tragedy - but also for every tragedy that every day people face every day of their lives.
The bills that can't be paid.
The cancer that is being fought.
The abuse that children are going through.
The decisions to make that will completely change your world.

We need each other... supporting each other... we need to stand in the gap for each other... we need to take our own problems to a listening ear & ultimately, we need someone much bigger than us to be in charge of this craziness. We need to call out for help to Him. We need the only thing that can defeat so much evil, so much pain.
So while my weekend was full of so much good in my little world, I am reminded that the world is a much bigger place & not always good & joyful & easy....
Every day holds its hard times for everyone.
I just want to remind you, its OK to ask others to pray with you.
& more importantly, just pray period. Whether that be stepping out to pray with others, or bowing your head where you are at right now.
Pray for your struggles, for each other & mainly for all the ugly that is happening all around us every day.
I think its something this world needs.
I'll be back to more cheery posts tomorrow. I've got books to talk about & I did run the Happiest 5k on the planet this weekend that totally needs to be discussed - so brighter days are coming back to the blog.
How was your weekend?
Can I pray for you about anything?

Oh my, what truth, my friend.
ReplyDeleteI have been feeling upset all morning. I heard about it yesterday but seeing the news this morning with the family and friends interviews is too much. I can't comprehend that much hatred. The one positive thing I see is the unity I see from my family and friends on Facebook against the hatred.
ReplyDeleteYou so eloquently put all the thoughts and feeling I'm sure so many of us have...it's a tragedy and we are all with the people of Orlando! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteso much anger and sadness and most importantly, so much prayer! Hate will not win!!
ReplyDeleteThis is a beautiful post. The tragedy in Orlando has really hit me hard and the repeated mass shootings just leave me with such a sense of helplessness.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful post! I had to stop watching the news because it is just heartbreaking. The world needs more love. Enough with the hate.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you typed these words this morning. You are so right, lady. Yesterday I woke up and immediately immersed myself in bridal shower prep- I didn't hear about the shooting until 6pm Sunday night. I hate that our world harbors such hate. We should definitely get out of our seats and pray :(
ReplyDeleteIt hit me right in the gut yesterday. The BF & I sipped our coffee solemnly & watched this all unfold on the news. Don't really have much else to say about it, except I am so saddened.
ReplyDeleteI never turn down prayer offers. None I need, but my brother is heading to the doctor today about another foot injury he got while hiking the PCT, so I'm praying for good news & good judgement for him. And as always, praying for law enforcement officers (not just mine). This weekend being a reminder that they just never know what they might see that day.
Let me know if I can return the favor. :)
A terrible tragedy and I agree with you that government controls have gotten out of hand. Exactly why I believe a smaller government is the best. Politics aside, I totally believe in the power of prayer. We must pray. We must.
ReplyDeleteThis is so beautifully said. Every time I turn the tv on, I'm reminded of the horrible acts of hate that occurred over the weekend. My heart is heavy today. Thank you so much for sharing this today!
ReplyDelete"Especially on a day when I left home & saw there was 20 people who had died in a shooting in our country... & later came home to see that number went up to the 50 with over 50 injured.
ReplyDeleteEspecially in a time where men can perform the sickening act of rape & get a sentence that is laughable.
Especially in a country where people are dying because health insurance is useless & people have to struggle to pay for a policy that covers nothing making people just skip treatment.
Especially in a world where children are begging for a home & living in orphanages but governments put up so much red tape to adopt these babies to a loving family."
Amen to all of that. That part hit me hard. Your whole post is so eloquent and moving. I agree, now is not the time to stay in our seats.
I could read your words all day long! This is all very well said. I often struggle with the praying up front thing. I've only gone up front with my family maybe twice. But I know that God doesn't think any less of my prayer because I say it in my seat, right?
ReplyDeleteSuch a sad weekend. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it all. Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteWow, you say exactly what I'm thinking but don't know how to put down in words. Thank you friend.
ReplyDeleteYes to all of this!!! It is a sad time for not just our country...but the world. There is so much hate and violence out there and what we need to do is come together regardless of our thoughts and beliefs an be there for each other.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you are acknowledging this hateful crime. It is just so sad. There really are no words :(
ReplyDeleteYes yes yes. The news this weekend was heartbreaking. And I love that last quote, really makes you think. Sending lots of love out into the world!
ReplyDeleteGreat post. My heart is still so heavy when I think about it.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post. All of it.
ReplyDeleteYou always so perfectly put things into words. So many prayers are being sent out to Orlando right now!
ReplyDeleteMeg, Borrowed Heaven
What a needed post. I've been out of the online/connected world for a few days and am only just now finding out about Orlando and the aftermath. Not just saddened but gobsmacked would be the word for me right now.
ReplyDeleteI've never gone up front for prayer -- it's definitely not because I don't think I need it. I guess I feel that the needs of others seem more important than my own -- so I stay in my seat, knowing that God hears all prayers.