Before we get started - just want to wish everyone a HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!
This week I am Thankful for:
Coffee Creamer at work
So I've discovered I just am picky about coffee creamers now. My work has regular half & half & they also have International Delight Vanilla in the little containers - but they just leave a weird after taste to me. So I brought in my favorite coffee creamer & game changer. I've enjoying some hot coffee all day long at work now. Dont know if that's good or bad - but I'm enjoying it.

Coffee Cheaper
...speaking of coffee... Ricky & I love a good flat white. But why - I have no idea - are they so expensive??? So I happened to fall into a hack that I am loving - If you order an Americano & have half & half steamed in - it honestly tastes just like a flat white... & like $2.50 less. How crazy is that????
PA call
I've mentioned her before - but I love the Physicians Assistant at my colorectal surgeon. She's just so personable & kind. She had called me with my CT Scan results over the phone personally - which I thought was impressive.
Missed Date blesses other
Every Wednesday, most of you know, I meet Ricky for lunch. We've been doing this now for LOTS of years - we've lost track. It's definitely over 5 years now. But I place his order for him since he is usually running in & has less time than me. So I ordered his food this past week & then he called & said he was too busy & couldnt make it. Great. I had a whole meal right in front of me that was going to go bad. I packed it up for my walk back to work because in just the few blocks I walk, I will typically run into a homeless person or two .... & just as I came up to this man, I saw he was pulling out a package of crackers & getting ready to open them. I stopped & asked him if he'd like this meal - it had chips & even cookies in it. He was so thrilled & so thankful for it. Made me feel good to give it to him. That took a bummed out day & switched it all around.
Skater Shirt
I was so excited when I was walking in Old Navy & saw this shirt with roller skaters all over it. Ricky was like, 'How did you even see that?" & I was like, "How can you miss it?" :) ...(side note - we both grew up skating & that's where we actually met - skating is still a love of ours)... I had to get it & think its just the cutest thing. THIS is what they mean when they say something can spark joy.

New Leader
I love our home groups on Wednesday but its a little difficult for me some times to be the only female leader there. Not that the girls are difficult - they're the best. But sometimes, its just a lot of pressure knowing I'm the only female leader that can make it. The other 9th grade leaders have little ones & with our time going until 9pm - its hard for mommas - I get that. & some have jobs that work on Wednesday nights... & while our host home is like super far away from me, I try & make it & some days, its just really hard.... but we have a new 9th grade female leader - YAHOOOOO!!!! I just wanted to hug her & thank her for taking the pressure off. She is super awesome too & the girls connected immediately with her. So now, I can take a deep breath & know the pressure has eased off of me to be the one who has to be there all the time. That's nice.
Text from a momma
After really struggling with being tired after small group night (I leave my home at 6:30am & dont get home till 10pm those days!!!) I got the sweetest text from one of my girl's mommas just thanking me for investing in her daughter & giving of my time. I nearly teared up - not joking. It's tough on me for these nights - & it's really making me feel my age - so it was super nice to be appreciated & to see that it's not for nothing.
I dont even want to talk about this again.... because it makes me sick to my stomach.... but I'm so glad my boys came back after getting out of the gate that the repairman left open. Ricky & I still are so shook up about it. I have constantly checked them on the cameras at work... & Ricky is constantly checking in on them on his phone. We had another repairman come by - he didnt even touch the gate - but we still went out &checked it after he left - 3 times - we thought we were paranoid before about the dogs getting out? OHHHH - it's up like 10 notches now.
Super Small group
The weather was bad on Sunday & our small group was down to about 5 girls - we have usually anywhere from 10-15.... well, this week, with it being down, we had 2 girls that hardly EVER open up & this week, they felt more comfortable in the smaller setting to just finally share & talk about themselves - it was incredible. They literally spoke the entire time. I was so intrigued about their lives that they shared. I pray this gives them a little boost to share when our numbers are back up. The girls that were there even thanked them for opening up. I know everyone has to get to their own comfort level before opening up to others, but I'm grateful that it happened at all & that it will continue to occur.
Target deal
I'm really bad about not watching when things ring up on check out.... so when I saw a great deal on some long cardigans at Target, I happened to notice they rang up $24.99 when I saw a sign for $15.00. The cool thing was they also had the deal, spent $40 & you get $10.00 off - so I picked up 3 of them, knowing it was going to cost me $30.00 - nearly the price of 1 for three. Except they rang up regular price.... & when I questioned, they said the sign was in the wrong place - but they honored the sign that was there & MAN, did I score or what???? I felt like I was walking out of Target like a boss!!! (& hope I didnt get someone in trouble for their mistake - yikes)
This is one of the ones I got... I dont look this cute in it though |
What are you Thankful For today?
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