Hello New Year!!!
I have to say, I was going into the new year hoping that 2020 was going to be THE BEST YEAR EVER... dont we always have those hopes? Well, January had the last laugh. So much happening in our family. It made January feel forever long too. Here's hoping the worst of the year is over & its all good sailing from here....
So here's a quick look at January - One Sentence a Day
1 - Wed / Spent the whole day cleaning & binging YOU Season 2 #craycray
2 - Thurs / Rush clean to get the house all ready for the Nashville gang coming up a day earlier than we thought. #THROWITALLOUT
3 - Fri / After a crazy week at work, glad to see my Nashville family #welcomehome
4 - Sat / Christmas #4 of the year #allthewrappingpaper
5 - Sun / Every time the grandkiddos leave, the dogs knock out exhausted. #workingdogs
6 - Mon / ughhhh .... the worst sore throat. #drinkingallthehottea
7 - Tues / Got to go see Madi on the b-ball court & so impressed. #sheskillingit
8 - Wed / My sinus infection has kicked in full force. #MyPoorNoseisRed #rudolph
9 - Thurs / & in today's edition of sinus infection, I have no voice. #CallMeSqueaky
10 - Fri / Library hold came in so of course had to pick up more books while I was there. #lovemylibrary #IamBelle
11 - Sat / Still trying to recover from this head thing & I binged Anne with an E - Season 3 #totallycried #multipletimes
12 - Sun / Only left my bed long enough to shower. #stillfeelingbad
13 - Mon / Feel worse than ever!!! #goawaysinusinfection #allthecoughing #feelingdrained
14 - Tues / Went to the gyno for what I thought was going to be my yearly exam & was surprised when I was laying there in horrible pain from a biopsy #thattookadramaticturn
15 - Wed / Perfect timing for my sister in law to come over so we could talk all things Gyno biopsies #WeFeelEachOthersPain
16 - Thurs / My heart just aches for my brother who got rushed into surgery & underwent a 2 hour procedure. #JustSadForHim
17 - Fri / So many tubes coming out of my brother. #breakingmyheart
18 - Sat / Never fun when an ultrasound on my uterus lasted about 45 minutes. #hardbeingagirl
19 - Sun / So sleepy all day long after we got home near 2am last night from having our Christmas with our Framily #LittlePrincess
20 - Mon / Martin Luther King Day kept me busy with lots to do around the house & getting to go visit & sit with my brother for awhile #Hesatinachairfor4hours #progress
21 - Tues / Catching up after a day off work made the day zoom by #ilikedayslikethat
22 - Wed / When you hold everything in for so long & feel exhausted & to the end of your rope, you explode. #askmehowIknow
23 - Thurs / Got flowers at work from my hubby letting me know he's my biggest support in this world. #MyPrinceCharming
24 - Fri / Stayed at the hospital till visiting hours were over. #Gottowalkwithmybrother
25 - Sat / One last visit & picking up some stuff for my brother to finally get home. #noplacelikehome
26 - Sun / Sang a new song at HSM that just instantly became a favorite #WayMaker
27 - Mon / Glad to go visit my brother IN HIS HOME!!!! #noplacelikehome
28 - Tues / Got Mr. Bruno up & let him walk for nearly 2 hours tonight. #howisthisdogstillgoing?
29 - Wed / Anyone else excited that The Biggest Loser is back on? #Isuream
30 - Thurs / I have never cried so hard in my life than The Good Place finale #elanorandchidi

31 - Fri / Was able to use my New Years Eve time that we couldnt take on 12/31 to leave work an hour early, but then still didnt get home until nearly 7pm #imexhausted
Here's hoping February is a little kinder & lighter & easier... PRESSING ON!
January - One Second a Day video
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