(Click pic for link)
Favorite Coffee To Try

So I'm a fan of seltzer water - I love the bubbles
So I'm really intrigued to try this.
Its either going to be amazing... or 100% disgusting
So I'm a fan of seltzer water - I love the bubbles
So I'm really intrigued to try this.
Its either going to be amazing... or 100% disgusting
Favorite Hanger

How perfect for the warmer days coming up
Favorite Coffee Mug

Favorite Bracelet

I saw where this was labeled as a Graduation Gift
I like it for various gift ideas
Favorite Earrings

Peter Pan & Wendy!!!!!
Favorite Joggers
I need to try these - they are at Target for under $20.00
Favorite Apron

OK - I'm on a Disney Apron kick - had one last week too
But look at the ICE CREAM CONES!!! This is a perfectly cute summer apron
& MONOGRAMMED!!! I'm a sucker for anything monogrammed!
Favorite Funnies

... me talking to myself in the mirror after watching the news every night
... when I keep hearing of all the states opening up ridiculous things too fast
...when I work from home & see my dogs in the morning
... me counting down the last few minutes to 4:30pm today

Happy Weekend Y'all!!!!
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