Thursday, September 18, 2008

Let there be Light!!!

OH MY GOSH - we have power!!! It came on while I was driving home from Jazzercise. Ricky called me & told me, more like screamed to me, "WE HAVE LIGHTS!" - when I came home, we just ran to each other & screamed & jumped like we won the lottery! We kept saying, "I dont know what to do first!" - I put on some spaghetti & Ricky had to get back on his xbox - the man can only go so long! :-) But luckily, Ricky cleaned out the frig throwing everything away for me on my drive home so I got to get in there & scrub it clean while its empty - that's nice! So there's a picture of my working frig - empty.....that's a bummer - but at least its on! My Diet Big Red & Diet Coke can cool down - YIPEE!!!!

By the way - that looks like a bottle of beer or something on the side - its worshire sauce - I told Ricky to throw it out, but he's clinging to it. I since threw it out while I wiped everything down.

And I had to laugh - there is a bottle of champagne in there. (You can see it peeking behind the water) Ricky has had that since we met & always said we'd save it for a special occassion. Well, we've since become engaged, got married, moved to a new home, had our first grandbaby, had some pretty big things happen in life since we've been together 16 years - & yet, its still in there! I'm wondering what he considers to be a special occassion! If I pass away & someone sees him pulling it out & opening it - break it over his head! :-)

I'm SO HAPPY!!!! A warm shower is calling my name!!!!


  1. Glad to hear you are back up and running... and Champagne for 16 years... not sure it will still be good... so if he is drinking it upon your demise, it just might serve him right!!!!! And not to worry... I'll personally make sure he isn't getting to enjoy it!!!!!

  2. Ok I am wiping away the tears of laughter. So glad you have lights!

  3. Thank God!

    I know Ricky is a happy man now!

  4. Now I think about it - it may be wine....we're not drinkers so Ricky may think its champagne....shows how much we know!!

  5. Thanks for the laugh! Glad the power is back on. You can celebrate with a Diet Big Red as soon as it's cold.

  6. Yay for power and a hot shower!!

    Thanks for your sweet comments. The monogramming is so fun, and easy because the machine does all the work! Ha!

  7. I wish I could say the same for us. We are still being told 1 to 6 days. Thanks to Lee and Dennis Frankford, we got a generator to use last night and I need it as I work out of my home for my job. I have never used Coffee Crossings internet cafe until this week. It is nice but I am ready for this to be over. Glad for you and others though. Keep praying for us to hang in there and be patient -especially as patience is not one of his strong points. See you Sunday (maybe looking a little worse for the wear). Kelly Groves

  8. Hang in there Kelly!!!! Just think that its building patience??? Hopefully it wont be much longer for you guys!!!

  9. SO exciting!!! I was praying last night for your power to come back on - and I heard on the radio this morning that most of your area had the power back on again. Enjoy a warm shower, a good hot meal and all things that electricity provides!!! (o:

  10. PTL you have your power back!! Enjoy that shower, girl!!

  11. Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog!
    Glad you have power again!!!

  12. Yay, that's great! I can totally see the lottery win excitement, you guys have been such troopers! Enjoy your shower and your new found appreciation of grocery shopping!

  13. Wow, it's amazing how much we take power for granted! I know I do! I'm glad you have it back -- I know that was no fun at all.


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