Thursday, February 05, 2009

Stand on your own

I have to say, this morning was the one of the worst mornings I've ever had. I have to cross a bridge from Indiana to get into Kentucky & the bridge I cross was shut down. So had to venture out of the way to get to the other bridge across town.... along with a few thousand people! I sat in traffic for 3 hours to get to work!!!! I literally felt like I was loosing my mind!

I get claustrophobic pretty bad anyways & with concrete walls on both sides of me, cars, not moving - I am serious - I almost pulled a Ricky Bobby - wanted to run out of my car screaming "Help me Jesus - Help me God - Help me Oprah Winfrey".... seriously - it was bad!!! A big thanks goes out to my sister friend Lynn who called me & talked me through about 35 minutes of the SIT!!!

But, I will say - I did get to read alot of my Bible while waiting the long wait. I was actually reading JOB.... Lynn recommended me switching to a happier book of the Bible while I felt I was being tortured....I have to admit, I did after awhile because again, wanting to run down the freeway screaming isnt the time to read of a man being tested....

Something hit me though when I got to work (& after the car fumes cleared out of my head) - Job was a man who feared God - had integrity & shunned evil (all of this is stated in the Bible).... But a few verses stood out to me:

After being through his first test - the Bible says:

Job 1:22 - "In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing."

Then the second test happens:

Job 2:9 - "His wife said to him, "Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God & die!"

Job 2:10 - "He replied, "You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God & not trouble?" In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.

I'm thinking - if Job is a man of God & has such integrity - you would think his wife was a decent woman. But she even turns on him & tells him to curse God!!! She couldnt take the stuff that was being thrown at them & their family.... & admittedly - it was some harsh stuff!

But I love that Job just looked at her & called her a foolish woman.... he didnt let anyone sway his opinion or his relationship with God there!

There are times when our family or friends may break & not understand anymore - or want to bring you down with them.... but this is the moment where you have to be strong - even if that is standing on your own... standing up for what you believe is right!

Note: Husbands!! Do NOT use this as an excuse to call your wives FOOLISH!!! (wink!)

I will also recommend - keep a Bible handy folks ... you never know when you're going to be stuck somewhere for 3 hours....


  1. You are very welcome for the "intervention"... can't imagine being stuck in traffic that long!!!! However, I did keep watching the news to see if I saw your red hair flying down the interstate as you ran between cars calling for the Lord's immediate return!!!!

  2. I like you. Not only because we share the same name (I'm Rebekah Jo too), but because you keep it real, and I always learn something when I visit your blog.

  3. I'm so glad you didn't pull a Ricky Bobby, but the thought of it does make me chuckle!

    I'm going thru Job right now, too. I have grown to love that book.

  4. I bet that was a nightmare. Glad you had something on hand to help you through that ordeal.

  5. Laughiing hysterically over the Ricky Bobby reference! I'm glad you made it to work with your sanity:)

  6. Oh, my head hurts just thinking about 3 hours stuck in the car! I love the points you made about Job!!!

  7. Oh boy, that doesn't sound fun, glad you were able to make it through.

  8. Glad you had a good friend to call!

  9. Sorry you had such a rough morning! I hate traffic like that! Hope tomorrow is better! :)

  10. Glad you had the best "read" there is! BTW I think were neighbors!


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