Sunday, August 22, 2010

Project 365-28

Sunday - Oh mom... its green... green's never good! .... I called Erica & asked if I could stop by for a FEW MINUTES... little did I know, they couldnt get rid of me for about 5 hours!  I dont know how to take a hint to leave! :)  But had fun talking with my friends & holding & kissing little Emily.  It was a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon... Emily got to have some dinner while I was there & her face was so funny when she got the taste... not too appetizing...

Monday - I'm going to get fired over a plant!!!! .... This is my manager's plant... I forgot to water it Friday when we left... this is what it looked like Monday morning... Oh man.... I got the cold shoulder for it too...You'd think I took a knife & chopped off stems personally... geez...if I loose my job, it'll be over this stupid plant...

Tuesday - Forgot what hills do to a run.... Monday evening was NICE outside - & by nice,  I mean 90 degrees but no humidity!  I havent ran outside in so long & couldnt wait to get on the road.  I must have forgotten that the road holds lots of hills!  And my knees also forgot about those hills.  So Tuesday, I woke up with a sore knee from the evil running monsters.  All was well on Wednesday though - got another good run in.  I love my Alleve.

Wednesday - Stained Bible scores me some cuteness.... I got a stain on the side of my Bible pages.  Its driving me insane!  (it doesnt take much) - so I ordered a Bible cover to help cover it up where I wouldnt have to see it so well.  This came in the mail Wednesday & I love it!  Love the Vera Bradley look & pattern.  Plus, all the pink & green... so girly...

Thursday - My daily step ... This is what I get to see everyday when I got into work... this stairwell.  I wish I knew how many times I have gone up & down these stairs.... after 18 years on a job, I'd say quite a number of times...

Friday - Morning Notes make me smile... I woke up to get ready for my trip to Women of Faith & saw this laying on the counter from Ricky... He always says that to me "Always remember that Ricky loves you" ... dont know why, but that's what he says... isnt this cute... love he marked out "spiderGIRL" for "spiderWOMAN"... after all, it isnt "Girls of Faith"!

Oh yeah - the Women of Faith pictures are being uploaded right now... so there may be a Project 365 Special Edition tomorrow... such a great time... pictures to share... stories to tell...until then!

May you be blessed with click worthy moments your life....


  1. I love the bible cover & the note is SO sweet!

  2. I loved spending time with you! I was just talking to Joe how it was nice having someone over (that we wanted) :)
    We are going to have to work on those veggies for Emily though. Love ya!!

  3. hope your knee is better!

    love the bible cover. I am a fan of vera bradley.

    I am going to women of faith this coming weekend in Tulsa! I can not wait!!!!

  4. Bum knees make me sad.sad.

    So glad it didn't last. Do you think my knee book could take a page out of your knee book and get over itself? =)

    LOVE the Bible cover!!! So pretty.

    That note makes me smile. That Ricky is such a good hubby.

    Have a Blessed week friend,

  5. Ouch on the knee! Glad you are feeling better!

    The Bible cover is super cute! I need to get a new one.

    Sweet note! =)

  6. Sure the Bible cover is cute, & I'm impressed with your running, but the stairwell is what really gets me - yikes! I need to start using the stairs at work - I really do!

  7. 6 mile run with hills? You ROCK!!
    Love the Bible cover..very fun!
    At least the plant was still green. :) Those stairs do not look welcoming.
    Women of Faith is great! I've gone twice. Glad you had fun!!
    Have a great week!!

  8. Can't wait to hear all about Women of faith. I have never been to one of their functions!

    I hope the plant recovered, but after working there 18 years I think there should be some grace offered!

    I forget to water my plants all the time, that's why I don't have many indoor plants!


  9. Having you over for 5 hrs was no problem at all!!

    And I think you captured the perfect example of how Emily feels about her food. At least now we have a witness!


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