Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Deeper Still...

So I tried to think of a way to even put Saturday into words with Priscilla & Beth Moore. (I cant ever just call her Beth... I gotta say "Beth Moore"... anyone else?)

It was so overwhelming - they way they delivered their messages...  so relatable - so encouraging - so full of hope.

I couldnt even do it justice.  I have pages & pages of notes but to write them down on here wouldnt give the speakers or the message the respect they deserve.  Its what makes weekends, or retreats, so special.  They have to be almost "experienced" to really feel the message that God delivers to each & every heart.  Because I guarantee you, what I took away from the weekend isn't what the person sitting next to me took away.  Isnt God so cool how He works like that?  Hello Holy Spirit!!! :)

I will say - Beth Moore's (see? Not just Beth) message was on how the God is walking through every generation & how we need to stick together, learning from each generation ourself.  She used the example of Timothy & his mother & grandmother, Eunice & Lois as examples.  The first generation was the "Timothy" generation that she ranged from 19-39... can I tell you, I was so happy to stand up with that crowd.  All those youngesters!  I am still 39... will be for 7 more months... so I was a little giddy about that.  It's the small things that makes someone happy, right?

But for each generation, she would have everyone stand & the other generations would reach out & repeat a blessing over them.  It was just so powerful.

... for the oldest generation (the Lois') - a blessing of respect & the wisdom that we see in them.  That they are still desired because of what they offer to everyone.
... for the middle generation (Eunice... that I'm nearing) - a blessing of knowing you are making it.  There is coming a time where you have victory in your life, surviving some of the hard times of "growing up"
... for the youngest generation (Timothy.. .did I tell you I'M in that generation still?) - a blessing of hope for the future - of knowing there are people ahead of you who are willing to help you along the path with wisdom that has been experienced.

And every generation was ended with 3 words... YOU GO GIRL!!!!!  ...

Then Beth Moore had everyone stand up & stand shoulder to shoulder... showing how the generations will stand together for God - because God is IN every generation until the end of time.  It was just the coolest way to unite sisters in Christ...

I know this was the last stop for the "Deeper Still" conference but I know it wont be the last stop for these women - so if you get a chance to experience a weekend with them - DO IT!!!!

Here is a video of a recap of our weekend in Louisville.  I'm disappointed the camera man didnt get a picture of me knitting... afterall, who else brought knitting with them in there?  I'm an original!

Notice in the video, Liz Curtis Higgs in the pictures too... she was there, as well as many of the women I so admire:  Kelly Minter, Angie Smith, Angela Thomas, Tammie Head... how cool is that?... & enjoy this song that is playing.  Travis Cotrell taught it to us & it was the theme of the weekend.  I'm in love with it...

One thing Kay Arthur said that I wrote down & I did love, she said, "I will continue to learn about my God - going Deeper Still, until the day He calls me home"

... may that be all of our prayers...

Deeper Still Louisville KY from David Lowe on Vimeo.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful time. Love the message of the generations. Thank you for sharing and I'll be back later to watch the video. Gotta get ready for work.

  2. I'm so glad you found true Jesus with you all that second day!

  3. That sounds like a GREAT message!!! Beth Moore =) is so great!! I am the same way....just can't be comfortable calling her Beth, although I know we could just sit down and talk about BIG hair. =) But yep, she's always Beth Moore or sometimes BMoore if I'm in a hurry.

    Love you girl ~~ Dawn

  4. that is amazing... Enjoy your day.. I was not sure if you saw all of the upgrade things on your blog..

  5. What a beautiful message, and though you say you didn't really do it justice, it blessed me today. How amazing to think of all of us women standing shoulder to shoulder, blessing one another so that we can grow in our relationships with God.

  6. I love how your heart was touched and how each person there was touched in a different way by God. HE IS SO GOOD!

    Thanks for sharing a smidge of what you experienced during your inspirational weekend!

  7. What a fantastic experience that must have been. I'm very happy for you:)


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