Christmas continues...
& will continue.
We were supposed to have Christmas on Friday with our friends & then the grand-dudes come up Saturday morning. But we got a text on Friday afternoon that Julie was at the doctor with Luke. He came down with the flu.
OH MY GOSH. This flu thing just needs to end right now before I freaking loose my mind!
How I react every time I see a new Tweet or Facebook post about the flu ... it just needs to stop!!!!.... |
Poor little guy got his Tamiflu & Julie said he was feeling a little better by Saturday afternoon, but we've planned to do our Christmas in 2 weeks when hopefully everyone is flu-free.
So while I'm seeing pictures of everyone taking down Christmas decorations, this ensures mine will be up until the middle of January... if not longer... good stuff.
But Friday, we did head over to our friends, Ryan & Chasity's after work.
If you don't remember, they had a baby earlier in the year. Emerson... who we call our "grandbuddy"
Here was the sweet face that I had to run over & kiss as soon as we walked into the door.
I can't believe how big she is getting. She's almost to the 7th month mark.
Her sweet personality is just shining through now. So full of smiles.
She's listening to Pappy here |
I always try to do sign language to her & she just stares at me & laughs.
Funny stuff to her. I'm pure baby entertainment.
I remember teaching a bit of it to my nieces when they were babies & it really is amazing how quick they pick it up when they are little. A great way to communicate.
I'm giving her the sign for eat... she was like "Um, I already ate, thank you very much" |
Ryan & Chasity are so sweet, knowing I am a vegetarian & made me some spinach manicotti.
OH MY WORD.... it was honestly better then any restaurant I've ever been to. Packed full of spinach.
After dinner, we just hung around chatting & playing with Emerson as she was getting ready to drift off to sleep.
When she was getting tired, she got down on the ground & just kept making her way over to Ricky to try & cuddle with him. Heart, officially melted.
She knocked out soon & the 4 of us opened up our gifts.
It was so funny because we were just talking about things & every gift someone would open next, it would almost apply to exactly what we were talking about. It became kinda funny....
Like, I had told Chasity about a camera strap I saw on Instagram earlier in the day...
& then I open up a package... & find a camera strap!

Ryan & Chasity are always so thoughtful in their gifts to us.
They even had an ornament made for us that had a Winnie the pooh quote on it about love & loss with Sydney's name engraved on it. It totally made me choke up. & it had on the package for both Ricky & Rebecca... but Ricky had taken it & said, "It's mine"... & he wouldn't even pull it out for me to take a picture because he said he knew I would take it.
He misses his Sydney girl so much...
Look at how beautiful this Beauty & the Beast picture is that they got me!
It's on burlap... a staple for Southern girls. Burlap & monograms... I'll take them every time.
I want to redo my whole living room centered on this now.
I just am excited to have a little girl around now so I can buy Princess & Belle things....
Got Emerson her first Belle doll... yes!
& see that bib? That was probably the gift I was most excited about giving all Christmas.
It's a bib that when you put on, your head is on top of Belle's body. I want one in my size.
I also can knit pretty flower hats....
I also can knit pretty flower hats....
You can't tell me her smile just didn't make your day brighter... seriously... |
Before we knew it, it was like midnight & we broke open a cheesecake & made some coffee & ended up talking some more.
We brought games & thought it was going to be too late to play any. Since we were sitting at the table anyways, I ran out side & got my 1968 version that I had as a kid of my Password game. It really is vintage. We ended up playing it & had the best time.
Thank goodness for the coffee so we could play.
There is a back story of playing games with Ryan since he was a teenager & it's always so fun. Dude is COMPETITIVE.... but so are we... which makes it so fun.
Chasity & I won the first round so we had to play another round... which the guys won.
... only by cheating...
Sorry - it's the truth
But we ended up leaving tied.... another night of games will have to happen to prove who the REAL winners are
(Chasity, we know its us)
Isn't their cat so beautiful? |
We ended up leaving for the night & got out in the car & saw it was 1:30...
in the morning...
I think the last time Ricky & I stayed out that late was....
I don't even remember!
That's how long it was!
I was really thankful for the coffee then because it was about a 30 minute drive home & Ricky was snoring the first 10 minutes of the drive.
I didn't feel like a rock star for long. I just felt old.
I made it in the house, loved on the dogs, cleaned up for bed... & it was like 15 minutes later & I didn't even think I remembered closing my eyes... I was just out.

I made it in the house, loved on the dogs, cleaned up for bed... & it was like 15 minutes later & I didn't even think I remembered closing my eyes... I was just out.
I thought I would sleep in on Saturday after that, but instead was up at 7am
... & let me tell you. My body was all messed up all weekend because of my sleep being out of whack.
It was so worth it though spending time with our friends...
I ended up staying in the house all day on Saturday, cleaning some, finishing wrapping the grand-dudes gifts & watching movies... & I ended up going to bed on Saturday night around 9pm
.... there's the real me....
Sunday, we ended up going out & doing a little bit of shopping.
For the record, I now have 3 gifts for next year.
... & yes, I know I'll still be out on Christmas Eve 2015 panicking getting gifts.
So another Christmas down.... with one more to come...
I kinda don't mind Christmas is taking so long.
I mean, people are ready for it November 1... why can't I drag it out to January 31st?
How was your weekend?
Any Christmas celebrations still going on?
Did you find any after Christmas sales?
I can NOT stay up that late ... I had to really, really push myself to stay up until 10:00 ... I'm old.
ReplyDeleteI love Password ... and of course I remember the original game on TV with Allen Ludden (who was married to Betty White). Remember - I told you I was old. ha!
It sounds like you guys had so much fun. Emerson is absolutely adorable in your pictures. Love those hats on her too. I need to get back to the knitting. I haven't accomplished anything with the knitting since early December.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a fun weekend except for the flu news. I was at my parents over the talking Saturday night! I can't remember the last time I did that. Of course, that made getting up for our flight home on Sunday painful. Thankfully I sleep well on planes and slept from before take off to just as we were landing.
ReplyDeleteOh, your poor grandbaby. Hope he feels better! It will be fun to extend Christmas a few weeks. They will be excited for your gifts because the new will have worn off a bit on anything else. :)
ReplyDeleteEmery is so sweet! I love the Belle doll you got her-- and that bib is so clever! Love the thoughtful gifts from your friends, the Beauty & the beast quote on burlap is so cool!
ReplyDeleteFirst off, I sure hope Luke is feeling better. It stinks that everyone has the flu! Second, Emerson is absolutely gorgeous. Her eyes are like crystals! It's so incredibly sweet they thought of Sydney this Christmas. Friends like that are the best! Lastly, I saw all these pictures on Instagram on Friday of people taking down their Christmas decorations like "when it's over, it's over" and I'm all like "as long as I leave my tree up, it's not over!"
ReplyDeleteI love the beauty and the beast quote and all that bib definitely needs to come in adult size! I was tempted to pick up a Christmas gift for next year already but I refrained, lol. Looks like a great weekend, we had a run in with the flu at church with our band leader but he was just coming off it and made it through, he's a trooper. We haven't taken our tree down, but I think leaving it up for another couple weeks sounds like a great plan!
ReplyDeleteOh how sweet is that sweet little babies face! It's funny that you said you already have three gifts for next year because we already started our pile too!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteHope Luke is feeling much better. Heck celebrate Christmas in February if you need too!,
ReplyDeleteEmerson is one of the most beautiful little girls I have ever seen! The pictures with the hat, so sweet! I'm also loving that Belle bib! Sounds like you had the most perfect evening! :)
ReplyDeleteYes, that little smile did just make my day! I feel like you were just posting about her being born! How sweet to get you an ornament to remember Sydney by - very special friends :) So glad you had a good Christmas and can't wait to hear about the rest of it!