I can't start today without mentioning how sad & heart broken I have been, I'm sure with a lot of you, watching our country yesterday & the chaos in Washington. It's so upsetting to see people just act so ... so... I dont even have the words. It was like something in a movie. ... unreal... but this is where our Country is at. Having to whisk the Vice President away, all the while the President is slamming him in tweets for following the Constitution. Having Senators log into Twitter to tweet out they are safe in areas they cant give away. Having Confederate Flags just flying through the halls of the Capitol. Yep... something out of a movie. I almost didn't even post today because this just has my anxiety levels sky high again. I'm glad we just got a puppy because I walked away from the news for a bit & just ran & played & try to take in the joy in my home.
& that's what today is, right? Finding joy. So let's get to some good things I'm thankful for this past week:
New Planner
I think I mentioned this on my One Sentence a Day post - but I'm really excited about my new planners for 2021 & I'm really planning on sticking out the full year in them. I've seen some flip throughs of other planners that used a Passion Planner all through 2020 & they are just so beautiful. I'll be doing my planner post soon to show you some latest planning news.
Birthday cards & goodies
I will say it over & over again. I have some incredible friends. I received some birthday cards with some lovely things in them - Starbucks gift cards, some beautiful book marks that are already tucked away, & my favorite things of all, the sweet words & beautiful cards. They all made me smile & I still have them sitting on my foyer table.
The Hubs on my birthday
He's always the best on birthdays & anniversaries. My favorite thing he did, as soon as he woke up, he kissed my forehead. So sweet. & he had Alexa play Happy Birthday to me when he knew I would be up. & he's always good for picking up my favorite dinner & my favorite dessert. Plus, he surprised me with some fun gifts too. He's the best.
Fun Surprise on porch
On my birthday, I had a friend drop off a gift on my porch with the cutest gifts. Personalized gifts in it - which I always love me some personalized gifts!!! Again, just the sweet thoughtfulness of people I am blessed to know.
Another Year of Life
I made it to 49. I know that's a blessing. A gift that many dont get the opportunity to reach. Another trip around the sun. Thank you Lord.
Christmas Tradition picture
This was the 6th picture tradition where I photoshopped Chasity & I into a Christmas pictureof one of our favorite families. If you are new around here, I was able to do 2 of their sons wedding photography. (Missed their 3rd on in the mess of surgeries in 2018 - boo!) But we took a picture with the entire family at the wedding of their 2nd son. Well, when they put up their Christmas family picture, I took it & jokingly photo shopped Chasity & I in it. Well, its become tradition.. they even make space for us to "fit it" - LOL... Its funny to see the picture of Chasity especially because she was pregnant with her middle child - who is now 5 years old!!! I figure in 10+ years, I'm glad to keep using a picture that I look young in
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This is the original |
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Here is this years pic... You can see the mall on Instagram under the #wanttobeadoebler LOL |
Let me tell you.... All of December is tough at work, but the last week is something that cant be explained. It's just non stop. Like logging on early, working through lunch, working late. Getting up to pee only... & that's usually once a day. It's CRAZY... but we survived it! Whew. Another year behind us. & even more to be thankful for? That I did it from home. With the thanks to a coworker who went in to help me out from in the office. I dont know how I would have gotten it all done without her help!!!
Weekend Appointments
I love places that have weekend appointments for medical things. I was able to get my mammogram done on Saturday & glad to have that behind me. (Holding my breath till I get the results) I was in & out in 15 minutes - no joke. The best!
I still cant believe we got a puppy. That was something we had talked about, but wasn't really expecting it. Woke up on New Years Day & didnt plan on going to bed with a new little Aussie in our home.
Share something good in this crazy time - we all need it!!!
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