Hello Monday.... a full week ahead. Those are always so much harder when you had a short week the previous one before. But, who am I kidding....all my days blend into one another & I usually have no idea its Friday until someone days, TGIF & I'm like, OH YEAH....
In the end I've learned... Monday's are always hard.... but here we are.
Coming out of another weekend that held a little bit of excitement. I mean... not Pre-Covid 2020 excitement. But at least something new in my world.
Saturday, I got up early (Because puppy life in this home) & read a little bit of my book. I've not been able to sit & just READ lately. I grab a page or two when I can... but then was on a mission - I had 2 more episodes to finish Gilmore Girls! I did it. Finally! Made it through all of the seasons. It only took me a few yearsssss!!! Honestly, I remember watching this on my birthday in 2017 when my dad came over to bring me my Hershey pie... that was my last birthday with my dad. I dont know why I associate him with the Gilmore Girls because of that... but I do.
I felt so accomplished making it through... & left the house knowing I was going to go right into the Netflix add on that came out in 2016 with the Stars Hollow gang.
But first... I had some bank runs I had to make for work & since I was out, I was going to treat myself to Starbucks, which is a rarity anymore. Remember the days when I'd go there every day - sometimes TWICE a day? Ohhh... the good ole days.
I dont know about your Starbucks where you live, but I know Starbucks isn't struggling with the pandemic. The lines toe very one I've drove by are like this... wrapped around the building - wrapped around the parking lot. I had my book with me in the car so I didnt mind sitting in line & waiting.
It tasted glorious!!!!
I had an hour before I had an eye doctor appointment so I ran to Home Goods to see about getting Ozzie a new bed (he's growing out of his so fast already) & I wanted to get a new gate for our steps. I love the gates they have there made out of good solid wood. We got one for our kitchen that goes into our dining room - which is my library. The gate is GORGEOUS. I ended up finding this one that is much shorter but will work well to put at the top of the stairs.
I wasn't planning on dropping a few hundred dollars at Home Goods - but when in Rome....
I blame Home Goods AND a new puppy. They have the best toys & beds for pets!!!
Then I went to my eye appointment & Hubby met me there for his as well.
I actually ended up trying out contacts. ... not sure how they're going to work for me.... but I'm giving it a little trial. My issue is I CAN NOT do bifocals, which I need. My distance vision needs a slight correction - while my close up? WHEW... I cant see diddly squat. But bifocals make me sick first of all. I'm the queen of motion sickness & vertigo & those glasses do both. I've tried different kinds too - the lined, the progression kind - small lens - big lenses - with the bifocal line raised up higher. It's just a struggle #oldpeoplestruggles
So we are trying contacts for my distance & then I can put on readers for things to read up close. The idea seems good in general. BUT... you know nothing is ever easy with me..... I've having issues with the contacts. My right eye is great... my left eye just stays blurry. They fit me in a different kind of contact & it still is blurry. It's just weird really - its clear with one blink - blurry with the next - totally a smudge in the next... & then with each blink, I never know what my vision is going to be. All in the left eye.
I know that when you get new glasses, it takes some adjustment period ... are contacts like that too?
I get my contacts in the mail in 2 weeks & if its still that way, I'm going to go back & retest my left eye & make sure its the right strength.
But I also didnt realize how much I need to see things close up. Like I wore my contacts to the grocery... & it was ok (minute the blurry left eye) & reading some labels up close was a struggle. So to put my readers on & off a dozen times isnt the best thing either.
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My first CONTACT picture... I feel like I look weird without glasses now |
So I dont know what the answer is going to be for my eyes.... maybe I'll get used to the contacts... maybe I need to try bifocals again. I dont know. Knowing me, I'll just end up in my Walgreens readers for another year & try again next year.... geez.
The rest of my weekend was making it through the rest of the Gilmore Girls series... which I was surprised to see each episode was like a movie - like an hour & a half long. I really enjoyed it - seeing people come back after the years. Totally cried about Richard passing away - which I knew he really did right before they started filming these. But everyone looked so good! I was most shocked at Ms. Kim... she looked EXACTLY the same! So did Sally Struthers.
The end of it all though - I literally GASPED. WHAT??? They HAVE to have more now - right??? There has to be a new show. I know its been over 4 years since that was made. WHERE IS THE NEW SHOW? I need to know what happened after that last line! .... I'm so late to this party.
Nothing else really exciting happened...
A lot of puppy watch... little booger is always into something & I feel like I need to pay Ernie a babysitting fee because he's the best at playing with him & wearing him out.
Mom update... she's still in rehab. I talked to her quite a bit when she moved into the new rehab but then she stopped calling & I havent been able to talk to anyone in the rehab facility for an update. It's a different one than she normally goes to & where she used to go - I'm used to them calling me with updates & scheduling ZOOM calls to talk to her team that works with her.... this one has been radio silent. I'm going to be calling & hounding today until I get in touch with someone & get some news.
It'll be 2 weeks tomorrow that she was taken away in the ambulance so I would suspect she's COVID negative now. Glad that's behind her. You never know what you're going to get with COVID - I hear every day of someone who has lost a family member or friend from this pandemic. Did anyone really expect this time last year that it would still be around & still be such a part of our lives?
Well... time to get some coffee & play with this puppy so I can put him in his play pen so I can start work. The one good thing about him is for my blog. Hubby leaves at 5:30am & I get up then so he can have a good 3 hours of play before I work at 7:30 (Hubby gets him up around 4am) & that gives me time to blog. Again - thanking Ernie for running him across the kitchen & the yard while I'm typing right now.
Hope you all have a great Monday & an even better week.
What show with a lot of seasons should I binge next?
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