Thursday, August 15, 2019

Thankful Thursday #233

Image result for knit by god's hand three things

This week I'm Thankful for:

Infusions encouragement
I'm telling you - I think my guardian angel's name is Christina. She just keeps my mailbox flooded with encouragement & words of hope.  & she always is so good at sending them just at the perfect time. So when I opened my mailbox & saw this card with a Starbucks treat in it after my awful round of not getting needles in on my last infusion - it was just a virtual hug like no other. 

Agility class #2
It's still a bundle of fun for both Ernie & Ricky.  He's picking things up so fast & seems to just be having the best time.  I cant wait to see how much more he learns.

Insurance Adjuster
Everyone around us seems to be getting their roof fixed from hail damage & our insurance agency has been fighting us tooth & nail to replace our roof.  They one time came back & said they would fix 68 shingles. EXCUSE ME? 68 shingles?  Are you kidding me?  The roofer even said, "How do you even do that? You'll cause even more damage taking a "few" off & how do you really know which 68 they're talking about?" ... but we FINALLLLY got an adjuster that was like, "I dont understand the hold up - lets get you a new roof" - THANK YOU!  We've been with our insurance company for over 20 years & NEVER had a claim.  & they wanted to fight us for this?  It was a mess.  But glad to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

After work nap
These infusions just kills me. I know they are supposed to pump me up with energy - but they make me feel horrible & exhausted. I'm having to come home after work & take a nap to even get through the night.  Glad Ricky just comes in & takes care of the dogs & lets me get a 15 minute snoozer.

Made up with "THE NURSE"
You can read about that on Monday's post... but I'm just glad that I dont have to cringe wondering if I'm going to get the nurse that hurt me so bad & called me names. We're on good terms now. Always good to clear the air.

Half Nashville gang
With all the infusions & health issues & busy schedules, its been hard to get all the Nashville gang together - but it was nice to see part of them this past weekend. I dont think I could have handled the hectic of all 3 boys up while I felt so badly - but having one sweet little one who just wanted to play board games & card games - totally up my alley. & it was wonderful just spending time alone with him.  The oldest always gets one on one time when he's little & its really easy to spend time with the 2nd one when they come along - but the 3rd? It's hard to give him attention with TWO older brothers... I just really loved getting to love on William & him getting to spend time with us alone.  ... & glad I finally think I got ONE of the boys to prefer me over Ricky.  Those boys love their Pappy - but I'll take William right now while he likes games & movies. LOL ... its probably for one weekend, but I'll take it.

What are you Thankful for this week?

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