Welp... month 7 down. I can't believe it.
& a little sad - anyone else noticing that its getting dark earlier? NOOO!!!
But it was another busy month - & in our area, the beginning of another school year. Crazy, huh? One last month to go & heading into fall...
So here we go - July - One Sentence a Day
1. Mon / Talk about a doozy of a ride home when a storm blew in out of nowhere. #crazywind
2. Tues / This is the most expensive salad that I pay for, but man, it so worth it & I keep going back for it. #SwayKySalad
3. Wed / Luckily had a book at lunch to wait for the rain to stop before walking back. #summershowers
4. Thurs / Enjoyed the 4th of July crafting away. #HappybirthdayAmerica
5. Fri / Felt like torture having to go back to work for one day, esepcially when half of the town is off & gets a long weekend. #atleastnotraffic
6. Sat / My whole day revolved on binging Stranger Things 3. #HopperForever
7. Sun / The hubs was shocked me & my mom spent over an hour at the dollar store, once again underestimating my talent at shopping. #lookatallthethings
8. Mon / Got my yearly review & raise & super sad that this is going to be the last one with my awesome Manager #shesretiring #8moremonths
9. Tues / My poor Bruno is having some rough days lately. #youwouldtooifyouwere133yrsold
10. Wed / Really enjoying my LesMills On Demand month workout plan. #onlyday3 #checkwithmeinafewweeks
11. Thur / My momma is one happy woman when my brother took a day trip to drive 6 hours to pick her up some TAB. #itllbegonein2months
12. Fri / Living the exciting Friday night life by spending an hour shopping in Walgreens with my momma. #itwasactuallyfun
13. Sat / Women's Finals for Wimbledon. #notSerena #boo
14. Sun / Men's finals for Wimbeldon was EPIC & historical #tiebreaker #Djovokic
15. Mon / Throws my Monday off when I only get 6 checks in & I'm used to near 100. #catchuponotherworkday
16. Tues / Goodbye Gray #itwasbad
17. Wed / Happy Birthday to my Mother in Law! #stillonetoughmomma
18. Thurs / Loved our discussion at our monthly lunch where we talked about some of our beliefs with our faiths. #somuchtolearnabouteachother #Jesusalwaysfirst
19. Fri / Went for yet another blood test to check that ferritin #spoileralert-notgood
20. Sat / I love when the 24in48 Readathon happens. #givesmemyreadingmojoback
21. Sun / Happy 6th Birthday Harvey Dent! #ourgentlegiant
22. Mon / I felt horrible when I got home from work so work out got scratched & I just stayed in bed for the rest of the night watching The Bachlorette. #thisseasoniswhacked
23. Tues / What a GLORIOUS non-humid day that was made to read outside till the sun went down!!! #bugbiteskillingmethough
24. Wed / Happy 75th Birthday in Heaven dad! #iatecakeforhim
25. Thurs / Ever have one of those days at work where everything just feels off & every problem seems to come to you? #yeahoneofthose
26. Fri / I am just feeling horrible lately & not sure which problem or issue to account it too. #takeyourhealthpick
27. Sat / Love a morning where you have to start the day by giving your little blind dog a bath #stinkyboy
28. Sun / Excited to see Beauty & the Beast performed on stage with my precious friend that was all on top of getting tickets for us! #beherguest
29. Mon / It's the first day of high school for my nieces, the first day of Sophomore year for my HSM girls & the first day of Agility school for Ernie. #alltheschool
30. Tues / I was totally there for the Bachelorette Season finale. #whatahotmessthatwas
31. Wed / So unbelievable sore from yesterday's dead lifts that I can barely move, turn or bend over. #day2alraedykilledme
What was the best part of your July?
Can you believe we're into August!!!
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