Friday, August 23, 2019

Friday Favorite

Image result for knit by god's hand friday favorites

Favorite Toilet Cleaner

... I never thought I'd have a favorite one of these...
but how cute!!
They even have a white cat too

Favorite Cleaning gadget

I had no idea there was such a CUTE way to clean the microwave.
Yeahhh - you can just use a boil of water, but would that bring a smile to my face? 
I didnt think so
... plus, they have ones with different colored hair.
There's even one that reminds me of Belle with a yellow dress & brown hair!!!

Favorite Chip clips

ahhhh... furry babies!!

Favorite Hair Barrettes

I NEED - NEEEEEED - those bows in my hair!

Favorite Baby Gift

So its a nightlight & sound machine (Y'all know I love me a sound machine) & then just the magical kid experience of fire flies in a jar.... ahhh... forget the baby! I want this!

Favorite pens

give me all the alpacas and/or sheep products
#alpacayarn #thebest

Favorite Halloween Shirt

Bibbidi Bobbidi BOO - Halloween T-Shirt - Fall - Disney - Cinderella - Pumpkin - Mouse Ears - Mickey

Favorite Headband

I love a soft headband to take my make up off at night
... who thinks of these cute things???

Favorite Funnies

#coffee #letterboardquotes

Morning Funny Meme Dump 35 Pics

Morning Funny Meme Dump 34 Pics

Morning Funny Meme Dump 35 Pics

Morning Funny Meme Dump 38 Pics

Afternoon Funny Meme Dump 37 Pics

Afternoon Funny Meme Dump 36 Pics

Morning Funny Meme Dump 37 Pics

.... when I have the perfect comeback to reply 

GIPHY! ( October 6, 2016 at 06:53PM

... when I get my Target total when I just wanted to run in for some toothpaste

GIPHY! ( August 19, 2019 at 08:49PM

... me walking by the meat section of a store & the butcher is in front of the counter

GIPHY! ( February 11, 2019 at 12:54PM

... when I watch Ernie all day long on our home security cameras

GIPHY! ( July 30, 2019 at 06:26PM

.... me at 4:30pm today

GIPHY! ( August 15, 2019 at 04:40PM

Happy weekend y"all!


  1. The water with lemon thing is so me, but when I do the apple cider vinegar/honey/lemon drink. Day 1 - Things are going to be different now!! Day 2 - this is stupid but whatever. Day 3 - nope.

  2. I have a feeling my kids would want to play with that toilet bowl cleaner lol. We have some cute chip clips that look like little duckies, but I'm sure if my son saw the one with the Hedgehog we'd have to have those too. Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. I’ve never even thought about cute cleaning gadgets before but those are adorable! They would certainly make cleaning more fun :)

  4. Not only do you find the cutest items, but you always find the cutest memes as well! Happy Friday my beautiful friend!

  5. I've been wanting that Halloween shirt for a while now! That couch is too funny!

  6. Oh my. Those cat toilet bowl cleaners are so adorable. And who ever imagined saying those words, right? Once I woke up all panicked because I thought I hadn't graduated from high school. I had to spend five minutes reassuring myself that I did graduate high school. :D Have a great weekend!

  7. That is a cute toilet bowl thingy. That is a cute microwave cleaner and I love the bag clips. That sound machine is adorable. The pens, the t-shirt and the headband are all adorable.
    Have a great weekend.

  8. haha...I loved Wells' sound machine/light. It turned me into someone who needs a noise now in order to sleep.

  9. I was LOL at that nap meme. If I fall asleep for a nap, I fall into the deepest sleep ever and don't know where or hwen it is when I wake up! Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Happy weekend to you!! I always love the fun things you find to share with us and those last giggles are great this week! Hugs!

  11. Lemon water doesn't fix everything??? Hahaha. Cleaning the microwave is the worst! I always wipe it down immediately if something happened in there, but someone who lives here does not. Ugh.

  12. LOVE that Halloween shirt - and definitely ready for Halloween to be here already!

  13. Practicing my argument in the shower, yes, yes, yes!!! And the couch! I really did lol!


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