Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Get Back up...

Yeah - I could think of 100 different things about getting knocked down & getting back up again...

So much in that idea & that sentence...

But I really think God was preparing me for the "trip up" that happened to me on the Half Marathon last weekend.

How so?

I saw this video come into my email a few days ago... & I watched it... & I watched it & watched it again.

It is a-MAZ-ing...

A 2:39 video that shows a girl who has trained so hard for a race... only to trip & fall...

But she gets back up again...

and she WINS!!!! (Sorry if I gave the ending away... it's still amazing to watch...)

But truly, I watched this video like every day over the past few days... & when I had my incident Saturday, I honestly thought about it...it came to mind... & I had to laugh that God made sure I had this image in my mind when sometime similar happened to me.

Believe me, I didnt think it meant I was going to WIN the race... but I did win MY race... the one that I was in against myself... the one that had one devil on my shoulder saying, "Call someone to pick you up - this race is done" ... & the angel on the other shoulder saying "Get up - you can finish strong"

... so watch this video... & know when you get knocked down in life (& you WILL... again & again) - be encouraged to know whatever race you're in... you CAN stand back up... & you CAN finish & win!!!

(If you're reading in Reader - you cant see the video... go ahead... come to the site to watch the video - its worth your time) ;)


  1. Wow. Just wow. I cried, that was so AMAZING!!!!!!!!

    And that is one of my favorite songs ever!

  2. Wow! I am definitely going to share this with Brittany! Never, ever GIVE UP!

  3. RJ,
    I'm watching this video, moved to tears, and then at the very end....the verse that comes up.... I have struggled with what verse I was to commit to memory this time for SSMT, and Phil 4:13 was the verse that came to my heart yesterday, and then here it is. Just what I needed. Thanks so much friend ~~ love you so, Dawn


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