Saturday, May 14, 2011

Six Word Saturday

Just changed the number to SIX

Which is appropriate for Six Word Saturnday...

But what am I talking about?  That number on the side for the races I've done.  I just changed my 5k numbers to 6.  I've ran PLENTY of 5k's on my own... but that count on the side of my blog is for certified, real races.  And today, I just did another 5k... a nice difference from my last race of 13.1 miles.

This was the Throo the Zoo race which was fun.  It had a light hearted feel with lots of kiddos running with parents ... & Girls on the Run was there, so lots of little girls with their running partners.  Kids just make me smile so I had so much fun talking to all the kids, cheering them on, telling them they were doing so good.  You say that to a kid & you watch what happens...their face beams... every time...

It started off rainy, then it stopped, then it rained harder (which felt like heaven at this point of the race) & then the sun came out... add in running through the zoo & it was just a great way to start a day.

So, now I'm off to see which race is coming up next so I can keep those numbers going up in race counts...

(Still in my sweaty Race shirt... keeping the visor on.. my hair is a sweaty, frizzy mess)


  1. Are those Louisville Zoo Polar Bears? They are my favorite. I could sit and watch them Your energy amazes me. I need some of it!

    Describe my life in 6 words: messy, cleats, shin guards, always searching

  2. Congrats on the race. I'm a walker, not a runner. It's fun to see how many steps I've taken, how many miles I've gone and of course, how many calories I've burned :)

  3. Good for you! And kids are fun!
    Happy 6WS!

  4. Way to go! I wonder at what point in my life I started not believing people when they told me I was doing good. Sigh.

    Describe my life in 6 words: Pizza - the food of the gods! Oh wait, that's lunch, not my life.

  5. You go girl!! That's so awesome!

  6. You beat all I've ever seen, Rebecca...GO, GIRL, GO!!!

  7. You AMAZE me!! Congrats that is something to be proud of! Thank for the prayers for my grandma! She really needs them!!

  8. WTG!!! I would love to do something so ambitious one day!

  9. "Throo the zoo": LOVE IT! They did something similar to it in Knoxville; the only way I know about that is because a friend ran it!

  10. Girl,
    You must be getting quite a collection of racing shirts. That one is really cool!!

    So I'm in Wal-Mart (this is totally unrealted to this post...anyway =) and went by the yummy yarn (that is what I call it, because if you could eat the gorgeous yellow yarn I keep seeing, it would just be yummy .... anyway.... =) And I thought of you and thought, wow wish I could do something with this. You must get such a sense of accomplishment from being able to take this ball of yellow yumminess and turn it into _______.

    Yep, I know, weird-do in Wal-Mart aisle 3. But just thought I'd let you know I was thinking about ya in Wal-Mart today =)

    Love ya girl ~~ have a Blessed day,


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