Sunday, May 08, 2011

Project 365... 2011: Week 19

Sunday - May 1 - We're not going to DIE!!! ... but someone did! .... Yep, if you look at my post from last week on what I THOUGHT the news report was going to be about, it didnt come true.  But the news that Bin Laden was dead came across the TV..... what a weird surge of emotions.  So thankful they captured this insane man... so afraid for the thought of what an eternity for someone like that could be.  I felt like this was a historic moment, so had to snap the TV to capture just a moment of it...

Monday - May 2 - Youth Dinner at Chuy's ... we got a Chuy's around here.  A Mexican place that just opened & has a line out the door everyday.  But we ended up getting a table quickly for our youth leader dinner.  It was so YUMMY!!! I got a Burrito "as big as yo head" ... really!  That was its name.  But this was the ceiling of the room we sat in... how fun!

Tuesday - May 3 - Rain just wont stop.... it just feels like the sun isnt ever going to shine again. 

Wednesday - May 4 - This is what happens when you dont stop scratching your ears... yep, you get the "CONE OF SHAME" ... Poor Buffy.  She is the most clumsy dog anyways, but put this on & she knocked over every chair in the kitchen, my desk chair, knocked over the vacuum & laundry basket... & would RAM it in my knees 104 times... I think she did that out of spite...

Thursday - May 5 - Half Marathons calling my name.... There are two new half marathons coming up in the Fall.  One on October 30 - the next on November 12 - so 2 weeks apart from each other.  I know for sure I'll do one of them.  But my running buddy, Corey, has told me to do BOTH... BOTH?  At first I thought he was nuts... but I keep pondering the idea.  I felt really good after this past race... even started running again on Monday.  So why not?  If I keep up training, then by Fall, I should be able to do 13 miles, then 2 weeks later, do it again... Ricky only tells me I've done gone & lost my mind...I believe his exact words to me were "Don't die. OK?  You're not that young anymore" ... I'll hold my comments to myself on that...

Friday - May 6 - Happy Hour.... I love when Starbucks has their Frappachino Happy Hours.  From 3-5 they are half price.  Julie has gotten me hooked on them, & the reloading your gift card for points through Starbucks.  So when I go with my little gift card, even though I've paid money to load it up back up, it doesnt feel like I'm spending anything... Plus, its HALF OFF!  Its all just a mind game, isnt it?  But its a yummy mind game.

Saturday - May 7 - A Surprise!!!!! .... I go to the front porch & see a package.  Its from Amazon... when I saw the package, I just thought it was something else I ordered that I didnt remember.  It happens... a LOT!  (more then I care to admit)...But I open it up & what it is?  This book that is part of Twilight!!!!  I dont remember ordering this!  .... Come to find out, Julie had sent it to me for Mother's Day....  that made me tear up.  Seriously... it's that easy to make me cry.  What a fun surprise!  So unexpected.... THANK YOU JULIE! 

Hope you've all had great weeks... full of sunshine.. & celebrating your moms, or letting your children celebrate you!


  1. you are kickin' butt with the running - and your photography. The photo of the ceiling is spectacular.

    Please refresh my mind about the Starbucks frapps - is the happy hour thing once a week? on a certain day? I must have one!!!

  2. great pictures.. I went to star bucks and they same thing happen to me. It was a great day for sure.. Yeah on another run for you.. So proud.. Have a great Sunday..

  3. wow...2 marathons!!! Can't even wrap my mind around that!

    I didn't know about this happy hour at starbucks....I WILL be checking into it!!

  4. Ah I'm safe from Starbucks - there's not one near me & I don't like coffee anyway :)

    That was great of Julie to surprise you with a book.

    All I can say about the running is more power to you! And bop Ricky on the head while you're at it. Heh.

  5. OK that is one of the cutest dogs I have ever seen in my life! What a cutie!

  6. AWE...that is the saddest pic ever...of your puppy I mean!! She is so cute in that cone of shame! I am not a fan of starbucks but I do love their fraps...and I def love a good deal so I am def gonna look into that happty hour! And yay for you and your running...that is awesome!

  7. RJ,
    I LOVED that ceiling!! So unique.

    What a sweet gift from Julie!! So nice.

    Have a Blessed week friend,

  8. Poor Buffy. I feel so bad for her. And I don't even like dogs!
    Your Friend, m.

  9. Poor doggie!!! Those collars really stink, eh?

  10. Your puppy looks so sad. I hope that the ears stop itching.
    I love surprise gifts. How fun.
    I just saw that at starbucks yesterday. I had no idea...but I am happy now.
    You go on that running thing. That is just awesome!

  11. I've never made it to our Chuy's, it's always so busy and I can't wait over an hour to eat! LOL

    I missed out on the happy hour on Friday but I'm hoping to go before it ends. I wanna try the new Mocha Coconut Frap :)

    Julie was such a sweetie to surprise you like that!


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