Monday, March 19, 2012

Weekend Roundup

* Race Packet Pick up day... you dont normally get swag for this race, but this year, they had it.  Some of the stuff is cool to try & sample out, but they gave out squeeze packets of peanut butter.  Something about "squeezing" out peanut butter just makes it not appetizing at all.

* Got me some new ear buds for race day... got these in black because my white ones?  Yeah - not so white anymore after all the runs of sweat... ewww....

* Race morning - the temp was 60 degrees at 6:00 am... BIG difference from last year with wanting to wear an Eskimo Parka... today was all about shorts & tech shirts to keep the sweat off.

* I had no green tech shirt ... only neon yellow... so just said forget about it & went with pink.

* Here's the picture of me before leaving for the race...

* Highlights of the race:
  • I love this course but hate the starting line & finish line are apart from each other.  Luckily, Ricky had to work this day & the finish line was 1 block from his work - so I parked at his work & he drove me to the start line.  I try to be as lazy as possible before a run :)
  • I saw that older lady in the tutu again.. she was sporting a green one for St. Patrick's Day... & again, she zoomed right by me :)
  • Mile 2.5 - My stomach started cramping... I thought the Runner's GI curse was going to hit me... but it went away. WHEW!  That was scary.
  • Worse part of this race?  We have to run by a meat/butcher store... the smell makes me literally gag every time
  • A guy dressed up like a lephracaun was throwing gold coins in chocolate at us as we ran... I didnt know what he was throwing at first & he scared me & made me jump like he was throwing knives at me.... Wasnt there a movie about killer lephracaun's?  I must have watched that one too many times.
  • My neurpathy in my feet did OK... I did have one stretch where my middle toes were painful, but it didnt last long.  The pain?  In my fingertips.  The neuropathy was making my fingertips BUZZ so badly after the race... it was awful.  Never know what I'll get with this neuropathy stuff.
  • My time was 1 minute 56 seconds slower then last year... I was so bummed again.  But I found a friend that reminded me that when we first started running, our goal was to finish.  And now, we get so upset over seconds or minutes... he reminded me that I need to remember how blessed I am I could finish AT ALL... amen my friend.
  • & then I saw that I was still 5 minutes faster then the first year I did it... so at least I'm not all the way as slow as I was.

* It was such a beautiful day, that for the rest of Saturday, I ended up sitting on my back porch with my Kindle & finished my book "Breathless" ...

* Sunday was another beautiful day & I got to sit outside & start a new book & then ended up taking a walk with some friends...

* all this time outside?  My runners tan has officially started... white feet, tan legs up to my mid thigh, & then all white again.  ....Its a hot look... especially the white feet :)

* As a 40 yr old, dont try & play dodge ball with a bunch of teenagers.  I got SLAUGHTERED.  And why did they feel the need to keep throwing the balls at my face?  Geez!  Vicious!!!

* Made another batch of "Energy Bites".... Ricky was all pouty faced when I left to go walking & then to church & said with the most pitiful voice, "You didnt make the 'bites'" (that's what he calls them)... I told him I promised I would when I got home from youth.  He just walked out with the shoulders down, "No you wont... you never get home till late" ............ so I made a decision, as soon as the message was over at the youth group, I headed home - about an hour earlier then I normally do... & I got those babies made!!! ......... only to take one downstairs to Ricky nice & hot, like he likes them... & he's snoring, sound asleep in his recliner.

Hope you all had a great weekend... & now onward to a wonderful week!


  1. You were driven one block to the start line? Wow, that is lazy! At least you admit.
    And you know what, I think that tutu gives that old chick some sort of advantage. You should try it!

  2. That gal must have a tutu for every occasion! ha!

  3. Go you! I would totally have just stopped running when all that pain started (which is why YOU'RE a runner & I'm not - ha!).

    That's funny about Ricky being asleep. I would have had to wake him up & eat some of those bits :)

  4. I thought of you this weekend, when I was running AND when I was making my first batch of your energy bites. Everyone who tried them, loved them and requested the recipe!

    I did great the first 6 miles of my race, but my troublesome left knee started hurting and by the bottom of the biggest hill, it was all I could do to walk the last three miles. BUMMED. I did beat my goal of under two hours (1:55), so that's something, I guess.

  5. Don't you dare get down on yourself, ya hear? I'm not going to put up with that, missy! You always run with all your heart and soul...what else really matters? NOTHING! :) Ooh...after I slaved over a hot stove to appease my man...I'd be waking his little tail up from his snoozy time!

  6. The picture looks like you're wearing a game face. I like it!

    Great job finishing! Remember, you're lapping many of us!

  7. I admire you runners! My sister and I took a walk today and we tried to wasn't a pretty picture!

  8. beautiful running weather here too! Love it!!


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