Monday, March 26, 2012

Weekend Roundup

* Friday, out of no where, we're sitting at the end of the work day & hear tornado sirens. WHAT?  It had been raining & storming all day, but the sun was out & we heard sirens & then the radios go off.  Yep ... we were under a tornado warning... & a tornado did actually hit a little bit away.  This has been a rough start to Spring!

* UK played the late game on Friday... as you all know by now, I'm a "UK Jinx"  I just made life easy for Ricky & I went to bed at 10:00... no blame on my shoulders

* I SLEPT IN!!!!! I havent been able to sleep in past 6:00 am the past 3 weeks - including weekends... so I was a little excited to wake up on Saturday with sunlight in my room.  That's sad that I wake up 99% of the time before the sun....

* I was even more excited that Ricky didnt wake me up to tell me UK had won...

* HUNGER GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We went Saturday afternoon.  I loved it.  Always disappointed how they have to cut so much of a book out of a movie, but know it was still over 2.5 hours.  And where they had to 'speed up' the action so you couldnt really tell what was going on, game me a little motion sickness.  But I know they had to do that to keep the PG-13 rating.  It was still graphic enough though. 
 ..... I was excited to see the "clothing of flames" come to life in the movie - great job!
 ..... I love Haymitch & Woody Harrelson did a FANTASTIC job!
 ..... Cinna... who knew Lenny Kravitz would make that character even more loveable!
 ..... Effie?  Fashion icon
 ..... I really thought Jennifer Lawrence did a great job at Katniss
 ..... they made me hate President Snow even more then I did in the book
 ..... & yes, I totally cried in the "Rue" scene... heartbreaking. Even knowing it was coming!
 ..... I CANT WAIT for the next book to come to life now!

We were sitting down the aisle from a man who was there alone... he was CRACKING me UP!  He kept talking to the screen, like they could hear what he was telling them.  And he'd laugh these HUGE laughs at the weirdest places.  It was kinda distracting, but it made me giggle... I thought Ricky was going to pull his hair out though.

* Went to the health food store & finally got some Chia seeds... found a good make-the-night-before Green Monster Oatmeal dish that I'm gonna try this week.

* Made a cold coffee drink.... mmmmm..... my Keurig is turning me into a coffee drinker!

* Speaking of drinking - its been, as of this morning, 5 days since I've had a Diet Coke... not even one sip!  I watched a documentary last week, "Hungry for Change" - from the same people who made "Food Matters".... they said stuff that made it click for me & I was like "I'm done... no more"... Ricky said, "I've told you those same things for years"... I told him it has to be the right message at the right time that just clicks to me.  Same with the meat eating... I really think that's it... I'm done.
(if you get a chance to watch it, its excellent)

* Ricky ordered me a juicer!!!!!!  I've got a Breville coming in the mail this week!  Cant wait!

* Got to run 7.65 miles on Sunday... but I took a new road & BOY O BOY!  It started on an incline, but I thought, when I get to the top, it'll flatten out.  Nope - another dip & another hill... OK - its gotta flatten out on the next hill... NOPE... ANOTHER dip & hill... the next HAS to flatten out?  NO WAY!!! ..... I did 5 huge hills & at the top of the 5th, it was yet another huge dip, I said, forget it & turned around... which meant I had 5 hills to do again.  So that 7.65 miles? Felt more like 15 miles... WHEW!!!!

* My feet did good on this run... only got painful the last half miles... I still hate neuropathy

* Didnt get home until late on Sunday with the Senior High Small Group... mercy, I love the honesty & thoughts of these kids... gets me thinking & teaches me every time., on to start a new week.

Praying the neuropathy continues to ease up a little... or not have a 'really bad day' - which happens like every 4th day...

Praying people around our area stay sane with UK vs UL in the Final Four this week.. trash talk has already ensued to crazy standards

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend & a great week lies ahead...


  1. Still haven't seen Hunger Games, but the kids went with my mom-in-law and loved it.

    Hills? Yuck. You know how I'm feeling about THAT kind of run right now.

    Good for you on the Diet Coke! I rarely drink pop anymore; maybe twice a week these days...

    Can't wait to see what you do with the juicer!

  2. Isn't it funny that before two months ago, I have never heard of The Hunger Games? Now, I'm so anxious to know everything about it. But still, we won't see it for about another month until it hits the 2 Dollar Theater. I hope I can hold on for that long.
    We got a Breville about three weeks ago. With our crazy schedules, we have yet to use it. Still, I'm excited to do a 10 day fast. All things will come in good time.

  3. Yay on the diet Coke! I was a diet Pepsi drinker, tho' a diet Coke would do, for years. I had my last on 1/3. Just last week, Brad and I went to Subway, and they didn't have unsweetened tea, so we shared a "real" Coke. It was such a treat, and it was tasty.

    I figure we'll do that from time to time, and not go back on the soda wagon. He's lost weight, and so have I.

    That aspartame is bad stuff!

  4. I still haven't read the book yet. I'm trying to decide if it will bother more or not. I'm such a girl =)

    I didn't know you had a Kuerig? How do you like it? I'd love to have one, but since I know longer drink coffee =( I guess I don't need one =)

    What a Final Four!!

    I love you friend ~~ have a Blessed week ~~ dawn

  5. Way to go on the Diet Coke! That run sounds intense!

    I have never read the Hunger Games books but after seeing the movie I think I will be reading them.

  6. There's a picture of me on my blog SOBBING after the Rue scene (I was listening to the audio book in the car) - oh my merciful heavens that was ROUGH. I had friends who got horribly motion sick in the movie & ended up not liking it at all because of that - they were pretty disappointed.

    I need to stop drinking diet sun drop. One of these days...

    I'm curious about what you eat on a daily basis. It would probably be healthier for us to at least do a few meatless days a month even if we don't quit entirely. What do you take for lunch? Eat for dinner?

  7. I know nothing about the Hunger Games...can you believe it? You'd think I live under a rock or something! I can't get over you running 7.65 miles! You are tearing it up! I absolutely hate hills...they're a killer, but it sure feels good when you reach the top! You ready for DWTS tonight? I know I am!!!

  8. Ok, I haven't seen the hunger games so I skipped that part :)

    However, you haven't been able to sleep past 6 AM??? Wow. I have trouble waking up by 9 AM!

  9. Well done on the diet coke :) & as for the hunger games I've just bought the book & cannot put it down! Looking forward to the movie after your review!!

  10. My guy friend was talking to me while the tornado sirens were going off in Indiana. That is soo scary! Hope there's more sunshine than rain this Spring!

    Glad you got to sleep in. It feels awesome!

    Haven't gotten into the Hunger Games fest yet. I'll be reading the books before watching the movie, though. Enjoyed your review :)

    You inspire me a lot. Keep thinking of you(noncreepily, haha) while I'm at the gym, running. You motivate me. I can't do half as many miles as you can but I'm not giving up :).

    Hope you have a lovely day today!


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