This week I am Thankful For:
week of 05/20/19 - 05/26/19
Desk previewweek of 05/20/19 - 05/26/19
We got to go down & see our new floor before we were 'technically' allowed to - but I'm so thankful to see it beforehand because I think I nearly had a panic attack seeing the space. It at least let me get through my initial freak out before actually moving in.
Miles under my feet
It was a beautiful night the other night so I did something crazy. Put on running shoes that were barely used, & headed to the track. It felt awful & horrible. My body is so not used to this any more. It's like a herd of elephants stomping in the jungle.... but I did it. I moved. For that, I am grateful.
Colson born
I've talked about this a few times this past week - but so excited for our sweet framily on the birth of their 3rd child. Healthy, beautiful little boy. Welcome to the world Colson.
BTW - look at this cuteness... Big Sis was so overwhelmed, she just started crying. She said, "Is this real life? Am I dreaming?"...she was just the happiest big sister!!!
We were all crying with this reaction!!!!
New Big Brother held him for like 10 seconds & then said, "put him back"... his daddy said, "in the bed?" & he said, "No, put him back in mommy" haha!!!
Camera run
I've been with Chasity in the delivery of both her first 2 & with this new job, I wasn't able to get there in time for this baby... but I was so thankful for my hubby who ran home to grab my camera so I could get some first moments of Colson's life.
Kelly Moore Bag
So I am a huge Kelly Moore camera bag fan. If I were rich, I'd buy so many of the bags... but alas, I'm not rich. So I have one bag I saved up for & got a few years ago. I have a few other bags I keep my eye on for a good sale. But even a good sale is still shelling out a few hundred dollars.... & then the other day, I see an email in my inbox that says something like 35 bags for $35. I thought it was a joke. But apparently, they had a few bags that had glue stains on the inside. So it was a no-return bag, & you just had to live with the glue stain. First come, first serve. I thought, no way are they sold out... & CLICK - & THEY HAVE A FEW BAGS LEFT! WHAT????? I clicked & bought it & I still can't believe I got this bag for $35.00. It's a regular $299.99 bag. Best deal of my life.
You literally cant even see the glue strip that makes this bag "damaged"
I am just in love with it! It even converts to a back pack - which is what I'm super excited about
This is the back - see how you can move straps to the bottom & top forming a back pack? LOVE IT! |
No Bake cookies as big as yo head
Seriously - they have to weigh like 2 lbs a piece. Found this new little place for lunch downtown & saw these. They are the Hubs favorite cookie. He said they were incredible. He actually ate one on Friday night & was like a kid trying to without eating the other one. When I woke up on Saturday, I saw the empty container. He said he was up, warming it up at 7am because he couldnt wait any longer :) haha
Walmart trip with mom
We just had a good time out ... & I always love looking around Walmart with her. We find the most random things. Like this time... I got a "Tick Tornado"... because why not?
HSM panel
I always feel so honored when I get to speak at HSM. This time around, it was about being a leader & I got to brag on how incredible my girls are too. I honestly just love my church & the people I get to serve next to & just the way I am loved & the way I see others loved in that church. It's a special place.
Olive Garden!!
Ricky just is not a fan ... not to hate against the OG - but he hates usually any place that makes you pay over $10.00 for pasta. He's like, you can buy a box for $3.00... this is dumb. I do sorta see his point. But we had a gift card & who can let a gift card go to waste? So I was super excited to go because I for one WILL happily pay over $10.00 for good pasta - especially mushroom ravioli ... & to make ti easier on Ricky, I told him I'd pay anything over the gift card & let's get dessert. Again, look at the no-bake cookie incident above... sweet treats always makes him happier. We hadnt been to Olive Garden in YEARSS ... & probably wont be back for another few years if its up to Ricky - so I'm grateful for this trip.
Beat the storm
I went to work on the weekend to unpack my area & man, I got there JUST.IN.TIME!! A huge storm hit & I got in the front door as soon as the heavens opened... & it stopped just as I was leaving 2 hours later. That's good timing!!!
What good things have made you smile this week?
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