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Favorite Ugly Sweater

I've been on a roll of ugly sweaters every week - so many great ones.
I've totally dug Taylor Swift's last album so I appreciate this one.

I've been on a roll of ugly sweaters every week - so many great ones.
I've totally dug Taylor Swift's last album so I appreciate this one.
Favorite Personalized Puzzle

OK... this is GENIUS.
You can get this customized to the date of any special event in a life -
birthday, anniversary, any fun memory date.
You get a puzzle of the front page of the news that day!!!

OK... this is GENIUS.
You can get this customized to the date of any special event in a life -
birthday, anniversary, any fun memory date.
You get a puzzle of the front page of the news that day!!!
Favorite Purse

OK - I get it, you have to be a Harry Potter fan to appreciate this.
But if you are, you're probably like me & have your mouth drop!!!
A purse that has the Deathly Hollow sign on it
& the best part!!! THE ELDER WAND on top in gold!
I'm LOVE IT!!!!

OK - I get it, you have to be a Harry Potter fan to appreciate this.
But if you are, you're probably like me & have your mouth drop!!!
A purse that has the Deathly Hollow sign on it
& the best part!!! THE ELDER WAND on top in gold!
I'm LOVE IT!!!!
Favorite Funnies

... When I look at my dinner after not eating all day long
... accurate picture of me Christmas shopping
... every week when I weight myself
... when the Instagram algorithm never works
... me all day because I've been off work!!!
Happy weekend y'all!!!!
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