I mentioned it last month.... but I made the switch.
I've been an Erin Condren gal for years. Even with that, I've done all sorts of planners. I had a Kate Spade one for a year. I did the MyAgenda for 2 years.
There's something special about each of these & I didnt hate any of them really. But I never really knew about The Happy Planner & everything you COULD do with this one.
I always just went into the aisles at Michaels or Hobby Lobby just to look at stickers. I never paid attention to the planners - just kept my focus on the stickers. Actually, the planners looked odd to me with these big chunky rings. & all the different sort of planners. It was a little overwhelming to me, so grab stickers & go - that's how I did it for years.
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See how overwhelming this can be? |
BUT THEN... I know you've heard me talk many a time about my work sister Liz - who is also a huge planner. She has used many different kinds too. Ordered a few different ones & just wasn't happy with them & said she was going back to the Happy Planners.
She showed me all that you can do with it. I was shocked... & now I'm hooked.
The coolest thing about these babies is how you can create a planner exactly how you want. You can take pages & insert them. You can take pages out. I especially love that when I'm writing on or decrating pages. You dont have to worry about the middle discs.
Here's a video I watched to help me decide on trying The Happy Planner
You can purchase expander rings for bigger planners where you've just created your own masterpiece that holds everything.
& Everything is what Happy Planner is all about.
They have planners for every sort of planning you would want. The way you want it to look to - whether that be horizontal, vertical, dashboard layouts. So many different ones.
Then they have specialty planners - like for budget, for wellness, recipes & my favorite - the Faith planners!!!
Here's the Faith Planner I got....

Click HERE to see it more closely
They base their Faith planners off of the SOAP ... Scripture - Observation - Application - Pray... & they are so beautiful with gorgeous scripture dividers. They really are something you want to get into every day, helping me to remember to dig into my Bible.... I'm actually going to combine this with my monthly planner & I can interchange the covers. SO MUCH TO DO IN THIS PLANNER!!!
I'm really not a spokesperson for Happy Planner - nothing was given to me (Lord, I wish!!) or anything like that... just talking about why I made the change.
I'll probably show some more as we get into future posts on what I've added to my planner & how its coming together...
so lets dig into my November... & see how my first month in my Happy Planner went.
Say hello to my new baby....
Actually, I bought another planner but then wanted a more neutral calendar inside so Liz found one for me in a planner Facebook group that I bought & someone shipped to me.
My November pages are actually guts from a planner Liz had given to me to try out... I started using the guts from the above planner in December. & because again, you can just add in or take out of your planner, I just popped November into this baby & off I went...
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Week 1 in November |
I used them in my Erin Condren & they did OK... but this? Perfect!!
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Week 2 in November |
I also use a mix of stickers... & of course, my Faith stickers are always a favorite...
Here's a close up of one of the stickers
& of course, you can see next to the sticker, I even wrote in a thought from my devotional, Embraces. Stickers... lettering... love it all.
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Week 3 of November |
& then we had Thanksgiving week...
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Week 4 of November |
You never are too old to play with stickers.
& just to show you what else I've added into my planner...
I've taken some of their notebook paper, for this, their Grid notebook paper, that Happy Planner makes & made my own Health Habit Tracker. I have done this for years. It helps me keep track of issues I'm having & when they happen..... of course, this is a little personal so I blocked out the categories, but you can see how it works.
Like one of these are headaches, nose bleeds, earaches.. one is Liquid Iron if I took it for the day - that sort of thing
& then I took my own graph paper & used the hole punch that you can get to put ANYTHING in your planner.. & I made my own Fitness tracker page. My exercise, steps, my workout heart rate, calories burned, daily heart rate... all info in thanks to my Garmin watch...
But I love keeping track of this sort of things. & I get to put a new page in front of every month... or put them together in the back of the planner... HOWEVER I WANT... LOVE IT
Come back next month so you can see all my pretty December / Christmas planner spreads. They really are my most favorite I've done.
& why dont you share with us the way you plan. The incredible ladies that started this link up Keep It Together, Alexandra at My Favorite Things & Lauren at Shooting Stars Mag has asked me to join in with hosting. I go live every 3rd Wednesday of the month... they will be up on the 3rd Thursday... so feel free to join in any time with us during that month!!!! Because who doesnt love seeing how others plan? it springs some ideas for others!!!
Plus, I love seeing a pretty planner... & ANY planner is a pretty planner to me.

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