(Click pic for link)
Favorite Shirt
This is a great Mother's Day gift
AND it gives back to the Susan G Komen foundation!
Favorite Sweet Treat

Because this has Nutella in it!
... it also has Greek Yogurt that basically makes it healthy - right?

Because this has Nutella in it!
... it also has Greek Yogurt that basically makes it healthy - right?
Favorite Heart Full Pic

You can click this pic to see a bunch of COVID-19 moments around the world
This one is from Istanbul where this man isn't forgetting the stray animals on the street - leaving feed for them.
If you click the pic - you'll find some great sweet moments, but also be prepared to have your heart hurt a little.
Favorite Rocker

I am a sucker for a rocking chair
but look how nice this one is - not a bulky looking this.

You can click this pic to see a bunch of COVID-19 moments around the world
This one is from Istanbul where this man isn't forgetting the stray animals on the street - leaving feed for them.
If you click the pic - you'll find some great sweet moments, but also be prepared to have your heart hurt a little.
Favorite Rocker

I am a sucker for a rocking chair
but look how nice this one is - not a bulky looking this.
Favorite Apron

(if you click the pic you can see the characters closer)

(if you click the pic you can see the characters closer)
Favorite Desk

I love that you can just take any blank wall in a home & turn that are into something useful & productive.

I love that you can just take any blank wall in a home & turn that are into something useful & productive.
Favorite Desk - part 2

Just because I think this is so unique.
It's meant for a desk but wouldnt this be nice in any bedroom
I'd love to put a mirror on it even & use for a make up station!
Favorite Funnies

... every day in quarantine when I try to convince Ricky to play yet ANOTHER round of Yahtzee

Just because I think this is so unique.
It's meant for a desk but wouldnt this be nice in any bedroom
I'd love to put a mirror on it even & use for a make up station!
Favorite Funnies

... every day in quarantine when I try to convince Ricky to play yet ANOTHER round of Yahtzee
... me every time I log onto Zoom & see faces I havent seen in person in so long

... when all my HSM kids are talking about how to use Tik-Tok & I'm clueless

... me at 4:30 pm today leaving my back room for the weekend

Happy Weekend Y'all!!!
... when all my HSM kids are talking about how to use Tik-Tok & I'm clueless
... me at 4:30 pm today leaving my back room for the weekend
Happy Weekend Y'all!!!
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