It feels funny to keep a planner up right now, but life still goes on, right? & while working at home, there's still things that need to be noted. Let's not forget all the ZOOM meetings too - for me, I have them at LEAST once a day, if not two or three a day. So yeah, Planners are still important to me.
Even more important in this time is a FAITH PLANNER. My work sister Liz sent me something on Instagram about someone's Faith Planner & it just gave me all the motivation I needed to pull out the one I bought for 2020 & never really implemented. I've put it in use this month... so keep an eye out for it in next month's post. .... & can I add in that I love Planner friends & Planner people that share the ways they use planners - it really is motivating & gives you new ways to use these things in ways you may not have thought of before - exactly why we do this monthly link up.
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Setting up my Faith Planner for the week |
& by WE - I mean the awesome Alexandra & Lauren who also host this link up... be sure to visit them as well!!!
OK - Let's take a look at last month's planning pages... the month that the world sort of put on its brakes & took a big 90 degree turn.
So you'll see this month, I started doing my weather differently - I usually put it in the side bar... but I changed that. My sidebar, I've been using for prayer requests so I can see it daily & lift up a prayer & carry them forward the next week or check it off... I've covered the prayer requests for the most part on each week because hello - privacy... (& as usual, I've marked out some confidential things - it may look blank in some areas because THANKS PHOTOSHOP & your matching skills)
I like having the weather in the daily areas because it gives me bigger windows to draw the icon to match.
Arent those flowers around the bottom so pretty? I really like this lay out
Week two....with more flowers. I was all about my floral books lately - call it Spring sinking into my soul.
But this is where we started getting into COVID-19 terriroty & things started getting canceled. That big NOPE sticker. I was ready to dig into all my sticker books & find all the NOPE & CANCELED stickers .....
Iron infusion canceled.... I still need to do a blog post on an update on all that hot mess.
& yeah, its crazy to think I havent been to church since before March 15.... that was our first canceled Sunday.
St. Patrick's Day week.... I was excited that I had JUST bought some gold glitter washi tape - perfect for the pot at the end of the rainbow.
& this is where the COVID really starting effecting life. Work was shifting to at-home status.....
Isnt this little St. Patty girl just the cutest little thing????
& yes - I was one of the last hair appointments before everything started shutting down - Thank God! Now I'm wondering if my next appointment will even happen. I seen the meme that says, Next time, can we agree hair stylists are considered Essential employees? YESSSS
I also love a Navy look.... & with working at home, I have toned down the decorating a lot & I dont mind it really. Simple but still works. Its like the COVID life lately - just basic & simple.
I had to add another cute little sticker lady to represent my working from home. Though, lets get real - I need a sticker with yoga pants, tee shirt & messy bun. This sticker is #goals
... & yes, its come to walking my drive way every time for some good fresh air.
My Mood tracker took a turn in March too with all this COVID talk. Green represents Stressed/Overwhelmed. Guess its good March is all about the color green because that's basically what every day is. You should see my April one so far.
And just for reference, someone asked me what pens I use in my planner. These seem to be my go-to, along with my Mildliners, of course. I tend to use the Paper Mate Flairs for most things. I have some in different colors & will write with those on special events.
I've been using my Sharpie Pen a lot in my Faith Planner this week.
& the Tombow Calligraphy pen is just so fun to do some pretty lettering - they make them in hard tips & soft tips - I recommend the hard tips for beginners - the soft seems a little TOO soft if you're new to pressure in a pen.
So tell me - are you using a planner right now - or just throwing it all out until this passes?
Is your schedule busier being home with kids & organizing home life?
What pen do you like to write with in planners?
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