10 Things I Hate to Do
Taking Medicine
Yep - I tell all my doctors - I dont want to take medicine. I HATE it. I always have reactions to every single thing I take & am so hyper-sensitive to things. When I was in the ER recently, they gave me some sort of migraine "cocktail" - not as enjoyable as it sounds - & it had Benadryl in it. I told them my motto, "I dont like taking meds" - but the pain was so bad, I asked if I could take a quarter of the dose. They told me that would be too small, but they'd go half of the dose. Let me tell you - they put that in my IV & the nurse wasn't to the door before I was OUT - like KNOCKED OUT COLD. I couldnt keep my eyes open until 3 hours later. & let's not talk about the vaccine reaction I've had. & all the reactions I always had when getting my Iron infusions. Me & meds = dont mix.
Putting on Lotion
Especially after a shower. EWWW ... that feeling on my skin. I know most people like it. To me, it gives me the creeps. I cant put on clothes until it all fully dries or I feel like my skin is being attacked by an alien. No wonder my skin looks like its 110 years old
Inside Out Clothes
I got this one from Dara - she brought it to mind & yep, its an every day HATE for me.
I dont know how he does it, but every single item - I'm telling you - EVERY.SINGLE.ITEM of clothes that I wash of Hubby's... its inside out. How? How is this possible? & even worse is when a shirt is inside out, but one sleeve is right. It takes folding the laundry like 3 times as long. I've learned to just hang his stuff inside out on the hangers & have been known to fold things inside out.
Sit anywhere other than the aisle
I get REALLY claustrophobic if I am sitting in a place where I feel trapped. When I go to the movies, or to a concert, or play (those were the days) - I had to make sure we got an aisle seat. To have to do the "Excuse me, sorry, 'cuse me" with the scoot down the aisle?.... gives me all the anxiety.
This is how it feels if I'm not somewhere where I can get up & leave immediately |
Walk down the C-Word (cereal) aisle at the store
I swear I smell it... & gag the whole time. If I have to get something on the other side of the aisle or something else that may be IN that aisle - I seriously hold my breath & avert my eyes. I know - I'm a weirdo.
Vacuum my stairs
So awkward - so hard to get to. It feels like a contortion act when I do it. There's never a close plug for the vacuum & the hand held ones never really get the power to clean well. The worst.
Read a book with small print
Thanks old eyes. My eyes struggle with small print & some books, they make it itty bitty, teeny tiny. Thank goodness for my Kindle where I can adjust it - but my Book of the Month books, I have no control over & I hate when the font is so small. ...I'll also add to this I hate to read a book that just aggravates me - a really bad book. I've learned to stop & give it up. I used to not do that. I'd tough it out
Leaving my dogs
I worry about my fur babies. Are they escaping? Eating something they shouldnt? Tearing down the house? I need them all to be support animals so I can take them with me everywhere.
Sitting outside when its "buggy"
I really hate it during summer when there's a lot of flying bugs. Bugs dont bother me in general. But when mosquitos & flies are around me & landing on me... nope nope nope.
Discussing anything political (... & isn't EVERYTHING political now?)
I mean... do I really need to explain this one? How things have changed over the years. OFFENSE is the word of the last few years. I remember the days where you could disagree with someone & have good discussion about it, possibly understanding the other person's side or at least TRYING to & maybe evening laughing with each other or leaving with respect for one another- now? Its a battle royale that ends no where except arguing. Sad really. Dont really comprehend where this is going to lead for us all.
So fun or serious - tell me something you really hate to do
....& dont say reading my blog HAHA!
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