Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Darn leg!

For those of you that saw my post a few days ago of my leg from the Slip-n-Slide Accident - its even worse!!!!!! My whole leg is now swollen - my toes are all swollen, my ankle is now big & has turned purple too!!!! The leg is getting hot & then cold & hurts to even touch so yes, it sort of freaked me out & I went to the doctor - & I HATE going to the doctor.

Well, the doc took some blood to check for blood clots (how does that work?) & it came back a little off, so I have to go to the hospital in the morning for an ultrasound to see if there are any dangerous blood clots in there!

OK - how do I go home & not think that there are possible dangerous blood clots in my leg? Can I tell you - I'm a tad bit nervous, anxious & jittery right now!

So say a quick prayer for me that the ultrasound shows that everything is OK & its just going to take time to heal.

And believe me - I learned my lesson - I wont be going back to Jazzercise for a few weeks now! No jumping on this leg for awhile - darn it!


  1. Oh dear! I'm glad you are getting things looked at. Better to be safe than sorry. I'll be praying for you.

  2. You are going to be just fine... I just know it... but I am so glad that you went to the doctor... even though they are stupid!!!! They should have gotten you in earlier and then you could have gotten that ultrasound earlier!!! Just remember, if Ricky doesn't take care of you, give me a call!!!

  3. Make sure you tell me how things go when you get back...
    Ill dont want to worry about you all day tomorrow....
    ill pray for you...Love you

  4. Would it help any to start taking asprin?? What a stressful day! Let us know as soon as you have any info.


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