Thursday, June 26, 2008


"Nothing makes us so lonely as our secrets" -Paul Tournier

That is the quote that is the lead of a second chapter of a book I'm reading. It comes at a funny time because a friend of mine & I have been talking lately about how secrets or unconfessed sins can really tear at you & make your life a miserable place.

But why? Why do we feel like we have to keep things secret? Is it because we're afraid of other's judgement? Don't we know that God knows all & we can't keep ANYTHING from His knowing? So why let it eat us up like we do?

I have seen books & web pages & blogs that are dedicated to people just telling their secret. I heard there is even a telephone number you can call & "let it out". Places that are set up as a "safe" area to let your secret out. Some place that holds no judgement - you can let it out - but you don't have to state your name with it or put your face on it. You can "release" it but not "claim" your secret. Does that help? I don't know - but I know they are popular places to visit so I know alot of people take advantage of them. I've gotten on a web page that people send in post cards with their secrets. Some are hilarious!!! - but some are horrible & some are just heart breaking!!

The thing I'm learning is that most people hold some sort of secret - no one wants to be judged. But instead of going to a web page or picking up a phone & telling a complete stranger - why don't more people just go to our Heavenly Father, who knows anyways, & tell Him about it? That should be the most non-judgemental place you could go - but I think most people think that's where you would receive the MOST judgement.
I'm just thankful that God knows all my secrets & loves me anyways!


  1. Hey Rececca,
    You bet. We have a program at our church called "New Dawning" It is a small group, in which people share their "secrets" or past sins or struggles, in TOTAL confidence and then through lay counselors, and of course GOD, they can let go of these struggles. I have personally been through this, and can personally testify how God used this program to change my life. Whoa, did he change it. Our God is so good and yes, is a God of many, many chances. Let me know if you need or want more specifics, I would be willing to share.
    For His Purpose,

  2. Thanks Suzanne! I just love that as a ministry!


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