Monday, December 29, 2008


One of our great church members filled in giving an incredible message on prayer today. He did this skit below - & this guy is the funniest guy in the world - so he added his own touches & made everyone get a good laugh in church (always love to laugh in church!) But I wanted everyone to see this - its such a reminder.... how much time do we spend praying? How much of HEART is in praying? AND how much time do we spend listening to God's answers - his response to our lives? HHHmmmm.....


  1. That was really good!!! Made me think for sure!!

  2. Nice!!! I love to laugh in church too!!!


  3. That was hilarious and so true!!

    I especially liked the part where he asked Jesus to make his church clap on 2 & 4 instead of 1 & 3.

  4. That guy is FUNNY!!!!!!


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