Friday, December 19, 2008


OK - what are the odds - really? See that picture.... well, my co worker, the office manager, came in & laughed when she saw the packages I had on her desk.... why was she laughing? She pulled mine out & they had the same wrapping.

So she goes to our CFO & puts his package on his desk - again, the same wrapping & she notices the boxes look pretty similar. She asked me what I got him..... yeah.... she got him the EXACT same thing!!!! What are the odds?

I've been with her for 17 years....I told her - we've worked together way too long....


  1. So funny! What did you get him? Is it something that will have to be returned?

  2. Forgot to put that....

    It was a University of Louisville Jacket... the EXACT same one... know how many there are? He said he's give one to his son!

  3. That's funny and maddening at the same time. I hope he can use 2 of what ever you all got him. :)

  4. Ha! That is wierd!

    First, you are the kindest person ever! I would LOVE a scarf! Of course I will totally pay you for the materials and your labor and for shipping. If only I was as talented as you are!

    I would love a pink and grey striped scarf. I like them thick with thick stripes, kind of like the one in the picture.

    Now, I only want you to do this if you have the time...please don't do this if it will be a stress for you!

  5. That is too funny!! Great minds think alike, I guess!

  6. You think just like twins! My twin and I do that all the you're right...what are the odds???

  7. that is so funny!!! what are the odds of that happening???!!

  8. YAY He can safely regift one to his son =)

    That is hilarious!!!

  9. LOL! You have definitely been together too long. Do you finish each other's sentences too?

  10. That is so funny! A few years ago my friend and I got each other the same pair of gloves. It was hilarious! Gotta laugh when things like that happen :)

  11. got you entered into the contest 4 times good luck!

  12. Ha! That's pretty funny!! You know, they say that great minds think alike!

  13. That? Is hilarious! Are you in Louisville? I'm about an hour north, halfway to Indy. :)

  14. No Way!!!! That is so funny!!! Haha!


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