So Ricky & I were out at Logan's Steakhouse Saturday for dinner. In the middle of the room - there is a little area with just four tables. I looked over & told Ricky to look - it was like the stages of family set right together.
The first table had 2 young couples - you could tell they were married & one of the couples had a baby, probably a year old - they were all cooing around him - enjoying that baby face, gabbing up with each other - young married couples hanging out.
The second table had a married couple - probably in their early 30's with a son with them - probably about 10 years old. He looked completely bored - the parents looked stressed.
The third table had an older couple - probably in their 50's -& they sat alone. I told Ricky, I bet their kids are all grown & have families of their own. They looked happy & chatted the night away.
At the last table was a older gentleman - probably in his 70's - he was all alone. All he ordered was a tea & a sweet potato. He never looked up - never looked around - ate his sweet potato & left.
I told Ricky - look - isn't that a perfect example of a normal family cycle right there - it was just funny to notice.
And then I started looking around the four tables - the tables that circled around it....
There was a table full of young girls going out for a girls night - laughing & giggling & enjoying themselves.
A table with an older couple taking a friend out for dinner - I knew this because I sat next to them in the waiting area - I talk to anyone.... their friend was blind & had a hard time getting out so they liked to take her out for dinner when they could
A table with a mother & daughter only - I wondered where the dad was? Gone? working? in the military? or just a mother/daughter day out?
A table with parents that was FULL of kids.... wondered if some were from previous marriages as some of the ages looked the same
Then I thought - what is the NORMAL family cycle? Anymore - its anything & everything - isn't it? I thought about Ricky & I sitting there - with his daughters all grown up, all scattered over the US, with our grandbaby being in Texas (sniff..... missing him so much during Christmas!) & what people thought when they saw us out together. And I thought about how when I go out with my church family & friends - how they feel just like my own family as well.... It just really hit me how there is not "normal" or "Ordinary" - God brings families together in different ways & what a blessing it is that there is no NORMAL!
Enjoy any & all the family in your lives!
ReplyDeleteWhat a Beautiful post and so true. What a great analysis of those four tables ~~ I just love that.
Have a Blessed day friend,
I need to go home now to be with my family. This was so poignant I'm going to skip work.
ReplyDeleteI love this post! Beautiful!
ReplyDeleteYou want to know what normal is? It is whatever is best for you!! I would swear we are sisters.... if it wasn't for the whole different parents and siblings and stuff!!! But YOU are my family... and a part of my family... without a doubt! After all, we share the same Father... and HE makes us ALL normal, right?!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful post, Rebecca.
ReplyDeleteAnd, on a lighter note, I love that you went to Gatlinburg. It may be the tackiest place on the planet but, by goodness, I love that stinkin' place!
Thanks for this post. It was wonderful!!
ReplyDeleteYour post is so true and I felt a little sad for the obvious life progression of the tables. I dread the day I eat alone or my husband if I go first. I also dread that day for my grandparents. ugh I think you and my hubby would get along. He is a people watcher. However, he doesn't read people as well as you. He makes stories up about them. You both crack me up that way.