Saturday, December 06, 2008

Time of their life! Part 2

OK - this is becoming a bad habit!!!! I got home last night & glanced in the back yard & there is something out there again... Ricky went & brought it in - what was it this time- my aerobic pants!!! I was so mad - I only have two really good, comfy winter pair of work out pants - the kind that are loose, comfy, dont cling - the perfect fit.... this was one of the two.... now I'm down to one pair... BOO!!!

So, I made Sydney sit next to them - she's usually the culprit when it comes to clothing.... & as you can tell - she sort of has a guilty look anyways- those ears pinned down. She stayed like the the entire time I had the pants next to her - once I picked them up - she ran & jumped on me like "Do you still love me?" It just took about 5 minutes of a pitiful looks for me to forgive all.

(Buffy isn't looking none too innocent lying there either - is she? I'm sure she was involved in a great tug -o- war event! )


  1. Oh boy to they ever look guilty!!!
    So sorry about your pants. Does this give you a reason to buy a new pair? Just sayin' =)

    Have a fun and Blessed weekend,

  2. Those dogs KILL me! Maybe they were going to try to bring them to you and they thought you were in the backyard?

  3. I'm thinking they're both guilty as charged. Bookem! How could you stay mad at those faces. Awe!?!?!

  4. ughh, dogs......a love hate relationship!

    at least they're having fun!

  5. Thanks for you comment & the prayers, we have survived so far! Don't forget to enter my giveaway!!

  6. Oh, I've definitely seen that guilty look before! So typical when they have done something wrong, isn't it? They have it written all over their face!

    I'm so sorry about your workout pants because I know how difficult it can be to find that perfect pair! Maybe Santa will bring you a new pair. (-:

  7. they are sooooo in trouble, and not looking innocent at all!! they couldn't have taken the trash out...nope. had to take your pants!!

  8. LOL--yeah, they both look pretty guilty!!

  9. I'm just catching up on wishing everybody a Merry SITSmas! Sorry I'm late. Is there any hot cocoa left?

    - Margaret

  10. Oh my...

    You know I totally identify with you...having pups that are very naughty!

    Bad fur babies!

  11. Oh my what a mess! I have to agree that they look very guilty!

    I hope the arguing will get better, it has to go up right?!?!?! Thanks girl!

  12. Ha! That cracks me up, his ears totally give him away! Anytime Dozer has done something wrong while we were out he has the same expression on his face, even before we find the disaster!

    They're just like kids...they know it's wrong but want to do it anyway.

  13. Hi Rebecca Jo,

    I have a little something for you over on my blog!!

  14. They look guilty, but it's so cute!! I love the look with the ears pinned back. They are so cute!

  15. Ahh man, that stinks! It starts getting dicey when they are destroying clothes and shoes:0

  16. oh wow! Are you glad they are so cute that they can get away with it?

    They both look like they are very sorry for tearing your work out pants but I'm sure it was lots of fun!!

  17. hilarious. our dog used to put herself in timeout when she was bad. then we would have to search the house to find what she did!!!

  18. Dogs! I tell you...between the pee, poop, puke, and RIPPED UP CHRISTMAS GIFTS, I am beginning to wonder if they are worth it. Okay, okay. They are...but seriously?! Quit ruining my house!


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