For those of you who know me - you know I'm all about recycling, wanting to save the Earth & all that good stuff.... so Christmas always bothers me when it comes to the idea of real Christmas trees. I'm not posting anything to anger anyone - I'm just curious - I want to know why people get real trees for Christmas. Maybe I'm just used to artifical trees - that's what we had every year except for one when my brother bought a real one for us... our family was a nervous wreck of it catching on fire so we hardly ever left the lights on... that was tons of fun (BOO!)
Has anyone ever seen that "Friends" episode where Phoebe would see all the dead Christmas trees getting put in the "shredder" or "grinder" - whatever that machine is called & she was freaking out like it was a human body being put in there.... in the end - her friends fill the apartment with all dead Christmas trees.... she was so happy.... I appreciate that episode - always have....
It just hurts my feelings to see trees grown for the purpose of chopping them down & then to see them still green & on curb sides because people are finished with them.... dang, that just makes me sad... it may seem dumb like that but that's just the way the Mother Nature side of me rolls....
So do you have artifiical or a real one? Help me understand the need for a real tree....
And since I can't find the scene with Phoebe & her dead trees... here's a clip for you to enjoy .... miss Phoebe's songs.... "Smelly Cat" - what a classic!
I'm with you, Sister! Artificial all the way! I always had them growing up. Poor hubby still hasn't gotten over the fact that not once in our 19 years of marriage have we gotten a real tree. I don't want to fool with the messy sap or the threat of fire!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the cute video. I didn't watch Friends that often, but this is one song I remember from the show.
Oh, this is great!! I love it!!!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE that episode of Friends!! We have an artifical tree. Growing up I never had a real one and I don't think I would know how to take care of it.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words, they really mean alot to me. You are so welcome to both awards. It's not stealing, I am giving them to you.
This post makes me smile so big!!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE "Friends" and that episode with the dead trees is a classic! In fact, I think I will watch it tonight in your honor!
ReplyDeleteLove you friend!
We are fake tree people. Growing up, we always had a real tree and the only thing I miss is the smell. I guess that is why they make potpourri!
ReplyDeleteWe have artificial but a real one seems more earth friendly to me. I mean, this artificial one will be around for a loooong time after we stop using it to decorate with.
ReplyDeleteI had a real tree when I was growing up, but now I have artificial b/c of my husband's terrible allergies. Although I miss the fun of getting a real tree, it's much cleaner and you don't have to fuss with watering it, the sap or fire. It's so dry where I live fire is an issue.
ReplyDeleteWe are real tree people. I guess I like the freshness of the real tree--the same way I like having fresh flowers around. I like the smell and I like the tradition of picking it out.
ReplyDeleteI've never had anything but an aritifical tree so I'm afraid I can't really help you there.
ReplyDeleteOkay let me first just say, I've never seen that rendition of "Smelly Cat"!! What? I know, where have I been all my life?!!!
ReplyDeleteOkay anyway, definintely an artificial tree kind of gal. I grew up with only artificial, so when I got out on my own thought I wanted a real one, boo. Messy, you have to water it, worry about the whole fire situation and then you throw it out. Yep I'm over it, it's artificial trees for me. Not to mention my son and I are allergic.
Okay so this comment has gone on far long enough =)
Love ya girl,
Tiffany - you have a point.... but you could be like my parents - I think they JUST got rid of their old tree that they had even when I was little - it was like 30 years old!! At least that saved 30 trees! :-)
ReplyDeleteHi - thanks for stopping by.
ReplyDeleteI grew up with real trees, but I have since become an artifical tree girl.
Even through I have an artifical tree now, I still love the smell of real trees. I think it just reminds me of my chidhood. Maybe that plays into why some people feel the need to get a real tree?
That is funny! I have never thought about real tress that way.....I guess it is pretty sad!! Thanks for the video! Cute!
ReplyDeleteI grew up with fresh trees... but when the girls were little we discovered allergies... so I've had artificial for YEARS! The one we use now was expensive, but looks so real... I knew I would have to use it for at least 10 years to make it pay for itself! It is now at LEAST 12 years old... must be time to get a new one!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love our artificial tree. I plan to keep it forever!!
ReplyDeleteThat's a Friends classic! Pheobe was always my favorite, I guess it's the dumb blond in me!
ReplyDeleteWe have a fake tree which to me is so much easier, especially because it's pre lit! Growing up we always had real trees and I never thought twice about it.
The only difference is that the real trees give off the best smell of pine in the world...that's the only thing I miss.
But seriously, I've never thought about how everyone is killing trees for Christmas maybe I just didn't want to think about mother nature!
Good point though, very insightful!
PS I left you some bloggy love over at my place today!
ReplyDeleteWe have always had a real tree growing up and I have always kept with the same tradition. I remember the episode you are talking about with Phoebe!
ReplyDeleteI have actually heard that real trees are better for the environment because they are chopped up and used as mulch. However, artificial trees end up in landfills when people want a new one.
ReplyDeleteWe have artificial because it is pre-lit :-)
Yeah, I have heard the same as the previous poster - that the real are actually much more nature friendly because they are recycled as mulch, but artificial ones, even after being used for 30 years or so will sit for centuries in land fills. That said, I like my prelit artificial, and haven't had a real tree since I was 7.
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way about cutting down a tree for a holiday. However, I was surprised to learn the plastic they make Christmas trees out of is more harmful to the environment than cutting down live trees themselves. Plus, the live/dead trees can be used in other projects to help with the environment. Who would've thunk it?!
ReplyDeleteI tried the artificial route. Did not like it at all. It is real all the way for me with no apologies!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI too love a fresh Christmas tree. I tried artificial for a few years but next year I'm going back to real. I cut down ones that grow wild on the side of pine wood plantations. I checked and they are considered weeds and will only get bulldozed over eventually. They are not as nice and symmetrical as the ones grown especially for Christmas but you can't beat that smell.