Monday, March 30, 2009

Quiet you...

I am so blessed.... I get to sing with our church band every 3 months & I so enjoy being up there worshiping! One of the best parts, I get to stand next to my incredible friend Lynn & laugh & just Praise God together ... plus, girlfriend can HARMONIZE!!! She makes me sound good when I'm not that good of a singer!!!

The one thing I love about being up there though is being able to see things from a different view. I love to look out on my church family & see their faces as they worship. Some of them, they just sing along, watching the screen, some of them just stand without flinching - or even moving their mouths!!, some of them have their hands raised in total worship - some of them, you can see the love of Jesus all over their face as their heads are raised high & voices are belted.... Its a great sight.

A few weeks ago though, one of the nursery workers had to bring up a child from downstairs that could NOT be comforted... this poor little girl just wanted her mommy. We were up front singing & we could see it all... the worker bringing the crying girl in - the girl virtually JUMPING into her mother's arms & yet, she still just cried. Her mom took her outside for a bit & returned - the little girl screamed & cried again, but after awhile, she settled down.

Why do I bring that up? Because my memory verse for the first part of the month has been Zephaniah 3:17

"The Lord your God is with you - he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing"

What I saw just really brought out the part of the verse that said "... he will quiet you with his love..."

You know when you see a baby crying - they just wanted to be comforted, they just want to be held. Holding them is not helping the "problem" or taking away physical pain or heart ache - but its just comforting them with love. And eventually, the tears will cease.

I thought of how we go crying to God & he holds us like that - how He quiets us with his love... he lets us lay in his arms & cry & he will tell us the same thing we tell a crying baby in our arms... "ssshhh, it'll be alright"....

May God quiet us with his love when we feel the need to cry out to him....


  1. You are right... and you know... just like a good parent... he is always close by when we need him... ready to scoop us up anytime. Great point Sister Friend!!! (BTW... I love singing with you... but I love watching you SIGN... great job yesterday. Made me CRY it was so moving!!!)

  2. I love it Rebecca.
    Very thoughtful!

  3. Rebecca,
    Feeling the need to just be quiet before Him and held in His very strong arms.

    Love you friend,

  4. Amen, sister! You write so eloquently, Rebecca! What a gift you have!

  5. I needed that this morning.

  6. What a great verse. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    Very inspiring post...

  7. I love that verse - it has always been one of my favorites :-) And what a beautiful picture it gives -- thanks for sharing!

  8. You sing too! Is there anything you CAN'T do?

  9. That is one of my favorite scriptures! It is so comforting to know that about our sweet Savior!

  10. I have been needing to feel that quiet lately and He is answering as we speak. My outlook is better every day!

  11. That is so amazing! I wish I could sing, you'll have to post a video. I love church choirs they are so moving.

    The baby crying is so sweet, it's so hard being a mommy with crying kids it's nice to have kind people around who understand.

  12. I absolutely love that verse, it is one of my favs and I had it up on my blog for awhile and just changed it yesterday to something on contentment! :)


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