Thursday, May 07, 2009

A day off!!!!!

Oh my goodness.. its 10:28 at night on Thursday & normally I'm trying to get ready for bed about now...right now, obviously, I'm sitting at my computer. I'll never get up at 5:30 am tomorrow... but I DONT HAVE TOO!!!! WHOOOP WHOOP!!!! I have the day off!

I havent had a day off work since February when I went with the kiddos to the youth retreat in Cincinnati.... its MUCH needed! Ricky had to work last Saturday which earned him tomorrow off to - so we've been running around all night saying "WE'RE OFF TOMORROW"... oh, you know you're getting old when ONE day off feels like a whole summer break!

But I cant sleep in too late - have to take the dogs to the groomers by 9 am... which Sydney, our Aussie will be so thankful for!!! She hasnt had her annual shave down & bless her heart, she's been a panting like she's in the Sahara Desert! She'll be running around like a puppy & sleeping like the old lady she is tomorrow after all that hair is gone. Two others are going to get cleaned up & Buffy gets to stay at home by herself. They're going to be so confused...

This is what Syd usually looks like PRE-hair cut...big, & furry & hairy....

This is what she'll look like when she gets home... skin showing, furless - happy & THIN! I always said, cut my hair off & see if I look like I loose that much weight!!!!

And yes, we're finally going to go see Wolverine! Ricky didnt want to go opening weekend... someone may cough in the theater & they may have the Swing Flu! I aint even playing....that's how his mind works! Somebody has to love him... might as well be me! It'll be nice though because the theater will be empty at the 10:30 AM showing so I can scream out for my Hugh Jackman if need be....

Hope everyone has a great Friday.... Long weekend - here I am!!!!


  1. Make the most of your day off! Sounds like you will have a great day start to your weekend!

  2. YAY for a day off!!!! Enjoy your long weekend!!

  3. Enjoy your day off!! How nice that you and your hubby have the day off together!!

    My hubby's the exact same way when it comes to germs!! He's a huge Germaphobe! I can totally relate!!

  4. Congrats on your day off!! Enjoy it!!

  5. OH my gosh, I am so jealous!!! I want to see wolverine. Can you let me know if its as great as it looks!! Hope you have a great time!

  6. Enjoy your time off, Rebecca! Relax and enjoy!

  7. All I can say is yummo!!

  8. Enjoy your day off! I have that in 2 weeks and I cannot WAIT! : )

  9. Swoon..
    That's all I do everytime I see that man :-)

    Have a great day off!

  10. I'm so glad that you finally got a day off to enjoy relaxing! You deserve it. Have fun at the movies!! :)

  11. Enjoy my dear you deserve some time to hang with Ricky!

    Yup I've tried cutting it all off, and man I doubt I even lost a lb ... LOL.


  12. Hope you're enjoying your fantastic day off! I've already been dreamly looking forward to Memorial Day. I'm glad the summer has three evenly spaced holidays, because I don't think I'll take another day off until November!

  13. Oh, I hope you thoroughly enjoyed your day off! Those long weekends really are the best - hurray for two Saturdays!

  14. One things: Clorox wipes and a box of tissues.

    You know, just in case :)

    Hope you enjoyed your day off. 'Cause I worked hard enough today for the both of us!

  15. Hi Rebecca,
    I just read your comment at SITS about your weight loss woes. I feel you, girl! I too am trying and its so hard because I am paralyzed from a car accident so I mainly work out with my arms and they are about to fall off! LOL I also have no way to weigh myself so its hard to tell if I'm making progress. Don't give up, keep the mental image of what you want to look like, ask God to help and believe, it will happen!

  16. Sounds like you had some fun things planned! I bet your pup is breathing easy now! So cute!


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