Saturday, May 09, 2009

Six Word Saturday

Surrounded by yarn! What to do?
(Click on the picture to see other Six Word Saturday entries)

I am going nuts! I have tons of yarn... but I cant find the next project to do!!!! I've started like 5 projects & nothing is giving me that "YES - cant wait to finish this" feel...

One fun thing - I found some incredible yarn I forgot I had... a beautiful turquoise blue. Could be potential for something lacy & soft! But to find a pattern! I think I've gone through every book, every magazine & every on line pattern... Its getting frustrating.

Back to the knitting search..... Happy Saturday!


  1. Is there such a thing as knitter's block? lol I am feeling that way here on my blog too and with scrapbooking. So much to do and can't seem to get a completed project.

  2. You are such a good knitter I am sure you'll find something soon!! I am still knitting wash clothes! Lol!! BTW I've finally used them and LOVE them!! They are the best!! Thanks for the tip on 100% cotton yarn! It makes a huge difference!

    I am trying to find a pattern for a scarf the swirls. Maybe I'll email you a picture and see if you know of a pattern!!!

    Happy knitting and thanks for being my knitting cheerleader/teacher!!

  3. I am sure you will find the perfect project! You always do!

  4. I hope you find a great project that inspires you. I'm feeling the same way--I have lots of stuff "on the needles" but no inspiration to finish. Sometimes the Lion Brand site has some really good/fun patterns--and lots of them are free. I've gotten some cute ideas there!

    Let us know what you decided on!

  5. You could make me a fabulous scarf and hat. That turquoise blue is just my color!

    Thanks for playing.

  6. LOL Sorry, I don't have that problem.

    I had a friends mom try to teach me to knit when I was in 2nd (?) grade but because I'm left handed and she was right, it just didn't work. Plus I'm sure I was just too young to grasp the concept.

    Good luck! I'm sure you'll come up with something fabulous!

  7. Catching up, you blogging fool! Lol! Glad you found a pattern to start on!


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