Thursday, September 10, 2009

Heaven is the Face

You all know that me & Steven are tight - right? Do you need a reminder?

Told you so... he loves me as much as I love him... I just know he does!

But anyways, his song is released now from his next album.... totally cant wait... but what kind of stalker - I mean, FAN - would I be if I didnt post it & share it with the world! Because the world would be a better place if everyone loved Steven Curtis Chapman as I do!!!


  1. ABSOLUTELY love love love that song!!! :)

  2. There you go making me get all weepy again. Beautiful song! LOVE IT and HIM Too!

  3. You stalk SCC, I stalk the Yarn Harlot. In fact, did you know that I'm already planning the wedding of my son to the Yarn Harlot's youngest daughter? Yep. Sure am! Related by marriage, I say.


    Love the song. It really made me sad though. There is still so much pain in his heart. There will be much rejoicing in heaven when he is reunited with his daughter one day.

  4. Crap, I'll have to wait until I get home to check out why you love this Chapman fella so much!

  5. Love that guy! Love that song! Love you!

  6. I haven't heard that song before and it brought tears to my eyes. Of course, ALL of his songs to do to me!

  7. I confess I almost didn't listen to it but then I thought...I really like Rebecca, so I'm gonna give it a chance.

    And I'm happy to say I'm glad I did. I liked it. :)

  8. I do not know this song. Have a great day.

  9. RJ,
    What an amazing song!! I will be ituning this one.

    Love you friend,

  10. What a great song and he is such an amazing man!!


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