Saturday, September 26, 2009

Six Word Saturday

Do I want to do it again?????.....

Look what came in the mail....

If you cant see what that is - its an early application for the Mini Marathon for 2010! I made it a goal to do it for the first time last year... & lived to tell about it...

So do I want to do it again? I saw that application & my stomach dropped, but my spirits were raised... dont let the scared face fool you... I'm actually thinking about doing it again! ... OK, maybe the scared face is a little real! I would like to beat my time from last year though. And now, I know what to expect... so I think I can be even more prepared...

13.1 miles... time to get ready for it all over again!


  1. Go for it!!! You can do it!! And you'll feel great having done it.

  2. I have never been ambitious enough to try anything like it...if you've done it before and lived to tell about it, you should definitely do it again :)

  3. After watching my husband run, it seems the first is the hardest. He's done many half-marathons since and none have been as rough as the first. I say go for it!

    Thanks for playing 6WS!

  4. Good for you! If you are asking yourself the question, the answer is probably YES!!

  5. Oh my gosh, you're crazy! But you can do it!

  6. I say GO for it as I sit on my couch typing this!! You can do it!!! You are seriously my hero!!

    I have something for you over on my blog!!

  7. My baby sis is walking a marathon November 1st. I'm so stinkin' proud of her. I would love to just get back to my 5 K's. Baby steps right? Although I am up to running about a mile now ~~ shhh don't tell anyone, my knee might here and stop cooperating =)

    Love you friend,


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