Thursday, September 17, 2009

Nominee for Best Dad

OK - dont know anything about this man, dont know anything about sports - but I do know this man right here is a good dad.

He caught the ball at a game, you can see his excitement - hands it back to his daughter & she just throws it back. What I love is the dad's expression. He never stops smiling!!! The little girl starts getting upset because apparently everyone around gasped & she could tell what she did maybe wasnt the best thing... her dad just laughs & holds her & tells her "its OK".... is that a great dad or what!!!!


  1. Yep I totally loved this. Hubby and I got a real kick out of this, but it was so fun to see his reaction. He hadn't seen it yet so as we watched it on the news he didn't know what to expect, and when she threw it back he was like, "ohhh" and then laughed. I love seeing a man's reaction to a baseball being thrown back. It was so cute.

    It just reminds me that how many times has Father caught the ball for me and I've thrown it back, and He gathers me in His arms and lets me try again.

    Thanks for sharing this ~~ love you girl ~~ have a blessed day,

  2. I saw this and thought. It was funny and cute.

  3. I love that! I like to think that the person who caught it after she threw it, gave it back.

  4. he is quite a guy to not have gone ballistic ;-) ...glad he is getting few moments in the spotlight!

  5. It was so refreshing to see his reaction, wasn't it?

  6. OMGosh that is the sweetest thing ever and so many dads wouldn't have done that. That is the sweetest thing ever!

  7. Yep he wins the best dad award.
    Did you hear that the team provided the whole family with jerseys, tickets to another game, and an autographed ball.
    The little gilr said she was going to keep the new ball in her bedroom.

  8. It says it's no longer available due to copyright claim by MLB Advanced Media...

    But it sounds very sweet!!!


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