Monday, January 04, 2010

Did you know you're a composer?

I sat this weekend & watched Mr. Holland's Opus... again... I hadnt seen it in awhile...

I can remember the first time I saw it, I thought, what the heck is an "opus", besides a pretty cool Scrabble word?  I found out it is a musical composition - a work that has been created. 

If you havent seen the movie, its a MUST SEE... but the end of it, every dang cotton pickin' time, I get so choked up, I cant stand it....

Mr. Holland gets surprised by a "farewell" of sorts when people who he touched in his life come together to play his composition he had created his whole life...

One of his students from many years past, comes back & says these words:

"Mr. Holland had a profound influence on my life & on a lot of lives I know.  But I have a feeling that he considers a great part of his own life misspent.  Rumor had it he was always working on this symphony of his.  And this was going to make him famous, rich, probably both.  But Mr. Holland isnt rich & he isnt famous, at least not outside of our little town.  So it might be easy for him to think himself a failure.  But he would be wrong.  Because I think that he's achieved a success far beyond riches & fame.  Look around you.  There is not a life in this room that you have not touched & each of us is a better person because of you.  WE are your symphony Mr. Holland.  WE are the melodies & the notes of your opus.  WE are the music of your life."

.... such powerful words...

I wanted to share them for all the people out there that are teachers, leaders, nurses... even parents...

You may not become famous or rich for the things you do in your life... but look around you & realize that you too could have a room full of people who you touch & who are the melodies of your own works... You may feel like your life is misspent yourself, but you would be wrong....

Didnt realize you were a composer yourself, did you?


  1. I love that movie, AND I love those lines.... I also love when he is signing to his son.... teary every time..... and my friend... you are a GREAT composer in your own right. I can attest to that... and I know a few girls who are a part of your great opus!!!!

  2. Love that movie and what an awesome quote!

  3. I watched that this weekend, too! Very good quote, my dear! : )

  4. So that explains why my song is always out of tune! ;)

  5. this is an awesome movie..

    Happy Monday..

  6. Crap, I need to get to work on my symphony!

    I've never seen Mr. Holland's Opus but I'm adding to my blockbuster queue right now!


    (It's good to be back to bloggy land full time now, sorry I've been slacking!)

  7. that's one of my favorite movies ever. I love it! :)

  8. Man you made my cry every time I see that movie or think about it, it makes my cry. LOVE it, it's a must see and a must own :)

  9. I haven't seen that movie in years - but I remember loving it. Thanks for sharing!

  10. I love this movie..
    I love all movies about inspiring teachers.. I hope that I am one..

    What an awesome quote!

  11. I have to watch that movie tomorrow. It is one of my favorites but I forget about it. I love when he signs the song by John Lennon. It is beautiful.

  12. This was such a sweet post :-) And I really like that movie!

  13. I LOVE that movie and I got choked up just reading that. What a great post!! =)

  14. It's one of my favorite movies. Thanks for this reminder, very timely for me!

  15. I haven't seen this movie, it sounds really good. That quote got me all choked up.


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