Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tag... You're it!!!

I got tagged by a blog buddy, Amy for a fun fun fun play along!!!  My top 5 for 2009... oh mercy... I'm going to have to go through my pictures here & see what stand out as the top 5... so many wonderful moments... let's see..

One of the best moments which was early in 2009 - my first Mini!  And seeing this picture makes me excited about getting a SECOND metal in April!!!  Who knows how many I'll have before the end of it all...

Totally a wonderful thing of the year... my brother, Tony, working on the Senior High Room for our youth group - Sacred Grounds... its just amazing to see his talent come to life & to see what it was before & to see what it was after... & to see how many people appreciate the talent that he has...

Who can forget my big moment with Stephen Curtis Chapman?  And by big moment, I mean running as close to the stage as I can... I'll take what I can get... someday, ah yes, someday, I will meet this man!

A wonderful day that I totally enjoyed was on my vacation where I got to spend the day with my dad & HIS love... horses!! It was a beautiful, perfect Fall day that is for sure one of the best of the year... now the day after, my butt didnt think it was all that perfect... but that's a different story!

And, hello, OF COURSE, the best of the best of 2009 - getting not one, but TWO visits with the Beautiful blue-eyed grandbaby, getting to celebrate Isaac's 2nd Birthday with him..... & getting the news that another Grand was on the way... (so you already know what the first of 2010 Best moment is... Welcome to the World Luke!)

So, my turn.... I get to tag five people now...

Lynn- Neal at the cross
Spirit of Truth
Straight from the Heart
Dawn's Cottage Corner

And if you want to play along as well, PLEASE, play along.. & just let me know if you do because I wanna see your top five moments of 2009!


  1. God bless you for not tagging me--I already feel guilty enough about not keeping up with your blog. I've been SOoooooo busy with work! I look forward to being able to take more pics like yours; of me having fun with the people I love. Sweet.

  2. RJ,
    I'm so glad you tagged me for this. When I started reading I thought, "ohhh this would be fun!!" I'll be getting this up in the next day or two. YAY!! I LOVE your top five!!!!!

    Have a Blessed day,

  3. Thanks for playing along. I love all you listed the horse ride, the mini run and the baby coming. Yeah. Have a great day..

  4. Great blog as for me. It would be great to read a bit more about that theme. Thank you for sharing this information.
    Joan Stepsen
    Gadgets and gifts

  5. what a fun thing to do! Love it!

    Yeah my rear and horse riding wouldn't be a good thing ... LOL

    yeah on another mini!

  6. What a great top 5!
    Your so fun!

  7. Thanks for tagging me, Rebecca! I'll post mine tomorrow after work!

    Loved getting to see those pictures again, BTW! That picture of you and SCC...totally stalker-worthy, my friend. LOL


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