Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Going downhill...

I saw on Twitter the other day a tweet from a runner in Texas that said, "I want to move to a place with hills because my runs are so boring"

I quickly responded - "Funny, cause I want to move to a place that has flat land.. wanna trade?"

That's all I've got on my road is hills... & its tough to get up them.  But oh, so much fun to run DOWN them.  Gravity takes in and you just have to roll with it.  The easiest part of running...

Last Fall, acorns were falling from the trees & I was coming down one of the bigger hills, enjoying the 'ride' down, when all of a sudden, my foot hit a acorn & I did a not-so-elegant trip, trip, stumble, FALL ....

You know what you do when you fall first?  Make sure no one saw you...

Then I jumped up, made sure my leg was still intact.  It took a few steps to work out the soreness in my ankle, but all was well... besides a bit of my pride.

Its been probably 6 months since then, but now, everytime I go down a hill, I hesitate.  No more "just riding" down a hill.  I'm cautious.  I look for rocks - acorns - any round object that could be on the ground.  My eyes are down - I slow my body down from flying down the hill...

I'm almost afraid now...

There's fear...

& it holds me back...

It slows my time now.  It takes the fun out of the free ride down.  It gives me a feeling in my gut that I could easily fall.

Fear does that, doesnt it?  Holds you back...

While I know some fear is healthy (I dont want to run down a mountain at full speed & break my neck) - some fear does just that.. hold you back.

Have you fallen in something & now are afraid to try again?  Or afraid to put all of yourself into that position again? 

What's the worst that can happen?  Another fall?  That's ok... I may end up stronger running down those hills full speed.  Just as you may become stronger in your situation you're afraid of.

Let's put fear behind us... & RUN... FULL FORCE!

God did NOT give me a spirit of fear,
but of power, love & self- control.
-2 Timothy 1:7


  1. So very POWERFUL, Rebecca! It is so easy to allow ourselves to be overtaken by fear. I've really had to push through some of my fears over the years, but my FAITH has made a way for me. :)

  2. I am so glad I found your blog!!! You are a great writer!!! Me??? not so much!! But I love to blog!! Looking forward to getting to know you better!!!
    Have a BLESSED day!!!


  3. I'm envious of anyone that can even run. Thanks to volleyball injuries in high school I will never be a runner. Flat surface or hills...I think you rock girl!!

  4. Good stuff RJ! That was a verse I clung to when I was battling panic attacks.

  5. slipping on acorns - yikes!! I could see how that would make you extra paranoid errr vigilant

  6. You amaze me.. Keep going. Yes, Alyce knows her playroom will be her baby brother's new room. She is okay with it..

  7. Fear is a funny thing. I've had a hard time getting back on the treadmill after Joanne Heim's stroke. Isn't that weird? Whatever I hear about, I take that on and if I let it, it will keep me from doing anything.

  8. Such a great post Rebecca. I really needed to hear this today!!

  9. You go girl! So True! Maybe that is what true humbleness is - realizing we may fail and look ridiculous - but barging in anyway! Totally impressed with your running. When I try to run, I feel like I'm hauling 100 ft trees called legs. I LOVE power walking, though. Just not where I live right now:)I bet there's a symbolic post in that - LOL


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