Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Siesta Scripture #6

My pick for this round:

Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless & pure, children of God without fault in a crooked & depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life...
-Philippians 2:14-16

*Do EVERYTHING without complaing and/or arguing?  OK... that's the toughest thing for me to work on - why I picked this verse.  This is going to be a real challenge for me to even notice all the times I complain or argue... at a stop light?  In the grocery line?  Doing the laundry of 31 pairs of jeans? (See Friday Frag for more notes on that one) ;)

*Blameless & pure? ... that sounds wonderful.  Who doesnt want to be blameless?  Even after all the things we screw up?

*"Children of God" ... that sounds EVEN MORE wonderful... Also, its why I'm a PRINCESS... I'm a child of the King!  (cue Princess Wave)

*"Crooked & depraved generation" .... doesnt it seem that still fits this time of the world better then ever?

*"Shine like the stars" ... we sing the song "SHINE" by Fee with the youth all the time... raise the roof with it!  So now, this verse makes it even more meaningful

*"Hold out the word of life" ... Can you picture holding something out in your arms straight ahead of you?  It would be the first thing someone would notice!  Doing that with God's Word?  Yep... I want that to be the first thing people see in me....

Cant wait to see what other verses my Siesta-Sisters have picked :)

And if you want to rock out with me now... here you go...


  1. Hey it worked again!!! Love it when I can actually leave a comment. I love that verse!!! Such a good one.

    Proverbs 15:1 is mine this time and one I need to reminder on a daily basis.

  2. I read in someone's blog (sorry, can't remember whose it was!) a suggestion for complaining: put a bracelet on your wrist (like one of the Livestrong or WWJD ones), and every time you complain, switch it over to the other one.
    This was an excellent verse!

  3. Great verse and I love your explanation for each point. Don't you just love being a Princess!! Awesome!!

  4. RJ,
    GREAT verse!!! I love seeing all the verses.

    Do EVERYTHING without complaining or arguing.... WOW that is a BIG assignment, but I definitley want to shine like a star in the universe as I hold out the Word of life ~~ LOVE IT!!

    Love you friend,

  5. This is definitely a verse that you must be intentional about if it is to succeed.

    There is nothing like having my kids in the car or in the store with me to convict me. I have been very intentional lately in making sure I DON'T complain while doing these tasks.

    Laundry still gets me everytime, though :(


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