So I loved the last one of these I did - so many recommends on hand lotion!
Do you know I made the longest list & ordered some from Amazon & strolled down Target's aisles & bought a few to try. It was awesome having your suggestions. Thank you for that!
I had to laugh because some of you mentioned a hand cream that I hadn't heard of ... & then when I went to my mom's house to help her order some groceries, I look on my dad's night stand & he had 2 jars of the stuff sitting right there that he used....
& this month, I want to hear your suggestions on something new.... something I'm having some BIG TIME ISSUES WITH!!!
OK.. something no one tells you about is when you get older, your eye lashes aren't as good as they used to be. Somehow they get all stubby & not as long & not as full.... it's really depressing actually.
& to top it off, I'm constantly getting the RACCOON eyes all day long...
I dont feel like I'm rubbing my eyes - maybe I am... but its like my eyes have an oil on them or something & my eyes constantly are running....
I used to try a primer on my eyes & have since stopped... is that the issue? Do I still need to use the primer? What is the one you use?
I also use a liquid eye liner for my top lases... could that be streaking?
Is it the mascara I'm using?
So help a girl out.... tell me your eye tips.
Is there a mascara that you swear by ... & remember, once again, I'm cheap - I'm not spending more than $25-$30 TOPS on a mascara... I prefer a drug store brand... but if its the magic grail of mascara, I'll fork out some more....
Do you have tricks you do to keep your eye make up in place all day long?
Is there an eye liner that is just smooth as butt'a?
Do you have a trick to take your make up OFF that is just great for your eyes?
Anyone else over 40 that is having issues with thinning or 'less than lucious' eye lashes?
Let's hear your secrets...with the warm weather coming up & allergy season, I really need to get ahead of the game of the smeary eyes....
Thanks as always for HELPING A GIRL OUT!!!!
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