Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Our girl is on a mission...

I look out the window & wonder where Zoe's head is at....

....see she's on a mission....

...can you see how deep this hole is?....

...who needs to stay clean when there is a mole in our yard?...

...doesnt this look just scream, "Arent you proud of me mom?"

And I had to take a video of it... while Ricky was freaking out about the yard.  But the past few days, she hasnt been digging so she must have run that little mole away...

or she ate him....

Look at her in action... she shows you the action of pulling grass, kicking dirt, all while Sydney is trying to clean her... but if anything, fast forward to the end just to see that face...


  1. that's not a hole... that is tunnel!!! But how cute is that little face??? And when she was in the tunnel you couldn't even see her little legs anymore!!! What a good doggie!!!!

  2. When you're a girl on a mission, nothing will stop you. : )

  3. That is adorable! And she is on a mission, to protect the homestead from those pesky invaders!


  4. OMG that is so cute!!! THAT FACE!!

    And I love your laugh!!!

  5. how cute is that last pic?? you've got an adorable pooch :-)

  6. She sure was on a mission. Wow how calm with no barking but wait it started that is too funny. I hope she got it out of there.. NO fun to have that in your yard..

  7. I thought that was so cute until it hit me...look at that HUGE hole she is digging in their yard!!!! :)

  8. Isaac made me play this video over and over, until I just couldn't sit there anymore, so I left him alone with the computer. Well, he figured out how to hit the replay button himself and sat there and watched it several more time. Hehe.


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