Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Erasing Hell....

Hell... not a topic most people like to talk about...

Unless you're a known preacher & you write a book that seems kinda "off" from Scripture... that's a topic for another day... or not worth even talking about maybe?

But I love Francis Chan... love his teaching... love the way he can present something so powerfully, but yet so relatable.

So I was pretty happy when I realized his book, "Erasing Hell" was released yesterday... I think I'll have to make a trip to Family Christian REALLY soon...

Anyone else ready to get your hands on this book? 


  1. Hm, our second 4th anniversary is Friday. Perhaps I'll buy this for Brad...

  2. I haven't heard about this book! I'm always looking for book suggestions!

  3. I was only recently introduced to him, but I loved what I heard and his study of the Holy Spirit was pretty amazing. I think I need to make a run to my Christian bookstore soon too.

  4. I haven't heard of him either. Sounds like an interesting topic. Who wouldn't want to erase Hell?

  5. Okay, I just listened to that whole thing. You owe me now! You know, I have some real issues with the Bible but I like to keep my comments positive and nice. That said, I have always taken it for granted that I know nothing compared to God. And, I can't wait to go Home and be part of him again. "Oh Happy Day!"
    And then their is pride. I've been doing a lot of thinking about that these days because of Gay Pride. I'll be writing about it next month and when that is posted, you may end up being my only Follower. I have major issues with people being proud of themselves for no reason whatsoever.
    Your Friend, m.
    p.s. I like Mr. Chan's teeth.

  6. Hey girl,
    I saw these book came out and was wondering about it. It's such an interesting title.

    Love you girl ~~ have a Blessed day ~~ Dawn

  7. no I have not heard of that book.. Sounds interesting.. I hope you have a great day..

    Big Brother Starts tonight.. Yeah..


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