Tuesday, July 12, 2011


OK - So I'm hearing a lot about this new Google+

... not sure I understand it...

isnt it kinda like Facebook? 

But I just got everything connected to Facebook... my Daily Mile workouts - my blog - my tweets if I want...

Do I want to switch all that?

But my biggest question for those that are all into Google+ ... I see it automatically pulls my pictures from Google - which also includes my Blogger account - which is also my Picasa account.... SO, if I post pictures on my Google+ does that mean that it will take up the room in my Picasa account?

That's no good... I'm having issues with not having space for my blog & now Google+ will take more of that room?  If so, then that's a big downer for me...

So tell me Google+ users - what are the benefits? Are you going to switch? Keep Facebook as well? Someone tell me what's going on... I'm a little technically lost...

& by the way, you can look me up:  Rebecca Jo Vincent ... or if you want an invite to join, send me your email address & I'll send you one.

Someone hold my hand through the changes in this funny thing we call social media... I'm scared...& I dont understand.


  1. Mrs 4444 over at Half-Past Kissin' time did a very in-depth post about this: http://www.halfpastkissintime.com/2011/07/tech-tuesday-part-2-google-tour.html

    It seems much like Facebook except you have more flexibility and control over who sees what it seems.

  2. Can I just say.....I HAVE NO IDEA!!

    I have not even heard about this. Does that mean I am outof the loop? I think so =)

    Love you friend ~~ Dawn

  3. Is hit sad i've never even heard of the google one. Ha. Also are you just loving BB this season!

  4. I don't know. I've also been hearing about pinterest. What's that? I am so lost.

  5. Can you invite me to join? I was trying to get on it this past weekend and it wasn't working. Do I have to be invited? Or can anyone join? NOT that I need one more social networking program, but I want to be nosey and check it out :)

  6. I'm not joining. I have heard about it and received a few invites but I don't have the time or interest for it.

  7. I got an invite yesterday. So, I clicked on it, accepted it, added people to my "circles" and honestly....I don't get it.

    Then again, I said the same thing about facebook in 2007 and I love facebook. So....

  8. I'm there! Trina Peacock. I'll look you up!

  9. Rebecca! So good to see you on my bloggy! I have missed your blog, I have been soooooo out of the loop but I promise to come by more often because I love you blog! I am not sure about this new Google thing, but I got an invite for it in my email. Being that I just deactivated my FB, I don't think that I will be doing this, but I am sure going to check it out. Just want to see what the fuss is about it all. I like Twitter though. Dang, how many social media accounts are we supposed to have. Lol. xoxo. :o)

  10. Gosh do I live in a hall? I didn't even know about it!

  11. i have never even heard of that. i have no idea!!

    ps i emailed you back. i'll keep you posted with your q&a! xoxo missy.

  12. Dude, I can't help you with Google+ I'm getting a little sick of social media as it is. I don't need more of it.

  13. I am not on that google+ thing and do not know anything about it.. I also use to makes tents and had a great time..


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